Thanks for the compliment, HornetsGM.
I think that i made 2 good deals, which are not in the category of "rape" deals.
THe TD deal first looks like a rape, but with Daly being one of the top 5 centers in the league. It all did make sense, specially with my 06 and 08's 1st rounder + G-rob's expiring.
The second deal, way made just to give my team some depth. I traded expirings for guys who are merely supporting cast and not so good contracts.
I felt that both my trades did mold my team in the exact team I want the sixers to be. A team with 2 superstars and a bunch of good supporting cast, and it would all be done without trading AI. Sounds like the real sixers team eh?
Anyway, for me, it would be the raps GM.
This guy has been sending hundred dollar bills to GMs via postmail. JK