I take a big big risk here, dealing two picks in the deepest draft in ages for a possibly declining big man with little experience.
but with Etan calling it's quits soon and no cap space for the next 5000 years I felt that a solid defender and rebounder (well, JO doesn't wait every day) like Strait is less risk than a rookie big man, especially with no college ratings to zap through. Sure, Strait declined big last TC but if he more or less keeps the current ratings (and production) this is all i ask for.
Tower could be missed, especially when Marion retires. But then again i wouldn't want to rely on him and Schabinger to carry my team. I never really found a space for Tower in my rotation but i still believe he can be a good defening SG, just needs a chance of scenery.
That Reed/Rivero swap made the deal work in the end. I know Rivero is utterly crap and if he doesn't improve next TC i will swallow his salary and cut him. Reed I had no use for with the emergence of Julius and Trump. Nat can back up PG as well and while Reed has a wonderful A/TO ratio he's almost invisible on offense ... and hit's FTs at a lower rate than Shaq !!! I hope that 2nd rounders can get me a replacement PG.
So again, big risk, but i didn't give some from my regular rotation and got a nice talent for my aging frontcourt.