I am out of the playoffs and into the trade talks. Here goes:
Curtis Sura-
He is a potential star and cornerstone to a franchise. He had the same ratings as Shaun Livingston a few seasons ago, and no one has improved more in the past two seasons.
I am looking to trade him for a semi-established player (under 26), preferably a power forward (or, to a lesser extent, a shooting guard), though I will listen to any offers. A top draft pick would also be welcome (after the draft order is set.) Please note that his loyalty rating is bar far his highest attribute.
Other than Sura, I am listening to offers for everyone, although Livingston is very hard to get (despite being overrated

). If Marion goes, I want to get younger.
My main priority is a younger (under 26) PF and youth. Please send me offers by PM. Thanks.