nope not ignored just decided that a guy still on the IL can't play for your team.
wow, would have been tough to put someone not in my lineup onto my IL instead
(no idea why - in DJSL and any other league - we're able to manage such stuff like replace a wrong IL guy, but SSBA never get's that done? And in case you assume: NO, I was NOT fine with playing the same lineup losing 7 games last sim AGAIN)#
I know it's not your job ...
... but neither it's mine or that of the other simmers and we still do it.

well here you are a gm and it is your job to post a correct DC not mine. if you can't figure it out why is it my job to do it for you? did you ever hear an NBA ref telling a coach: i corrected your mistake and you can play your guy now?

why is it always me that you blame if you make a mistake? do you know how often i correct DCs? simple mistakes i do correct but decidiing who has to sit on the IL is not my buisness.