No. You're still trading something you don't have, and now you've put it up in the league's court to keep track of and enforce future considerations.
I have no idea why you assume anyone here wants the league to track/enforce any future considerations. IF we had posted that part BEFORE the Hawks even knew they would get any money, maybe. But we didn't.
We waited until the money was there, and all we have done is post a deal based on a PAST AGREEMENT, not on some considerations.
WE, the two GMs involved, took care of a matter that the league has zero obligation in tracking.
So if you want to void a deal, go back to the original one since it was apparently including future considerations in your view. And if you think we violated a rule not including the money right away (*) then I would ask for a fine as well. I acted fully believing I would not do anything wrong, and I have the PMs to prove it (before someone accuses me of saying "hey you got Hakeem, would be nice if you get me an extra $100 for that luck since it was me making that possible" after FA), but if I/we did violate a rule then do something, take a first round pick from us or so.
Hope that can satisfy the league ...
(*) I remember reading somewhere that you can spend money you have rightfully earned even if it doesn't show up on your account already, but I'm not sure of anything here anymore.