In any event, you have an annoying tendency to go after me it seems, and you certainly have a mastery of the "backhanded compliment." You did the same thing after my last championship. I actually enjoy it, because I can ask you again -- where are your championships?
BAM. That connected ...
they are as non-existent as my CF appearances and your # of titles even beat my # of 2nd round series in SSBA.
My GM skills are not very good, that's why i'm jealous, i guess. Sorry if you feel mistreated by my comments, but i have deep respect of how you manage teams, here and in DJSL, and your squads always (except for the aformentioned seasons here) are among the league elite. For YEARS ...
So don't take my (annoying) comments too serious ...
Bah! You're no fun. I'd rather be angry than guilty Tom
Well, here's what I'd argue is the other side:
point 1: Hornets, you are a hypocrite -- you criticize the DJSL Sonics for hanging at the bottom of the league, and you do the same yourself and call it "skill." Did you make any moves to improve your team in those two years, or did you just sit there contentedly, mailing in the "same" DC every time?
point 2: Hornets, Sampson is the main cog on your team -- you constantly try to downgrade the impact he has, but the truth of the matter is his inside presence makes those players you acquired better. Where would you be without that luck you got the year you drafted Sampson?
point 3: Nearly every move you made that looks good has turned out to be based on luck -- take, for example, Calvin Natt. Is it GM skills that brought about his vast improvement this last TC? No. And what about Stockton? Without the CPU's idiocy, you'd be manning the point with Julius Russell. Nice "skill" there too.
In Summary: I apologize. I tend to take out my stressful workday in my SSBA rants sometimes, and it's a terrible habit.