what a bad trade for the nets. All the get is a mid to late first and guys no one would play except the celtics: And even he let his youngster only 28 min the whole season.
lenard can be a 20+ scorer and is outplaying his opp with great consistency if used right.
ian is an improvement over everything the celtics call a pg and even teagle is better than most of their youngster.
big time win for the celtics if they use them right.
Just saw this now. Talent wise, with Mags and Lenard, the Celts win - sure. But I don't think you'll convince me that Teagle will ever be more than a cap clogger.

I did this trade for one primary reason: with Lenard we were plugging around at 500 - and with him not playing well enough to start for me, he was a waste of cap space that was crippling my flexibility. I landed a younger player in another deal who helps me more at the three and Macy is emerging- so I had less use now Mags/Lenard than I did, and my team was
still shy of being a solid long-term contender without a star player. I had to decide on a way to get one - and FA looked like my best, most feasible bet, to get one without giving up the farm.
If I can end up scoring a stud via free agency, this will be a huge score - and there's a few out there.....in Sacramento.