Strange deal for the Wizards.
Sure, they got two picks in arguably the best draft in a decade, but the take on 3 completely useless long-term salaries and with Brooks now have 4 roster spots filled with crap on their book for 2+ more seasons.
For next season they have Maggette, Dickman, Brooks, Davies, Chamberlain, Murray + the 3 new guys, need to resign Barner, Donta, Bass and maybe one of their PG (Mihm or Hanke) and have 2 low first rounders to add. 15 guys, that's it. Meet your 2015 Wizards. Man, if you think 2014 was bad, you are in for a loooooong season next year.

Not too much better for the Sonics though. They free 7 mio salaries and lose two picks. Everyone knows the FA period gets worse every year (and i doubt the hard cap will change that much until the REAL hard cap sets in 2018).
So why not deal Wheat (the least worse of the 3) and a pick for an expiring, cut the other two (and swallow the 4mio per year) and keep 2 picks to rebuild. Those 4mio won't make or break the Sonics FA period.

just my 2 cents ... this deal really doesn't help anybody