« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2006, 04:42:02 PM » |
Looking at the stats from this sim...
C Robert Swift: 28.8 mpg, 9.2ppg, 9.5rpg, 2.2apg, 1.2bpg, 0.7spg, 1.3topg, (3FGMpg, 7.8FGApg = 38.4%)
This sim's ranking: B- ... Need a better effort than that from Swift. The shooting percentage is terrible. If he could get up to 44% or so, he could be a 12 and 10 C, and that is exactly what I need. Also needs to find himself about 5 more minutes of court time each game.
PF: Pau Gasol: 36.7mpg, 18ppg, 10.5rpg, 3.3apg, 1.7bpg, 1.5spg, 2.5topg, (7.2FGMpg, 14.8FGApg = 48.6%)
This sim's ranking: B+ ... Cerntainly didn't exceed any expectations, but the scoring was much better this sim, and he is doing everything else expected of him...execpt keeping the turnovers a bit lower...I fail to see why a 18ppg scorer can justify turning the ball over 2.5 times per game, especially at the PF position.
Reserve C/PF: Leo Garcia: 24.7mpg, 7.5ppg, 7.2rpg, 0.8apg, 1bpg, 0.5spg, 1topg, (3.3FGMpg, 7FGApg = 47.1%)
This sim's ranking: A- ... What more could I ask for from Garcia. If he was getting starter's minutes, he'd be a double-double threat. Shooting a good percentage too.
SF: Carmelo Anthony: 37.8mpg, 31.5ppg, 7.8rpg, 3.2apg, 0bpg, 0.3spg, 4.3topg, (12.7FGMpg, 24.5FGApg = 51.8%)
This sim's ranking: B+ ... The turnovers are the only thing keeping Melo out of the "A's". Obviously Melo must be a fantastic man defender, as he gets No blocks and NO steals. Still, the rebounding is there, as is the ball sharing. And scoring, wow, he needs to be considered for MVP if he continues to shoot this well.
SG: Josh Childress: 35.5mpg, 9.5ppg, 8.2rpg, 2.5apg, 0.8bpg, 1.8spg, 0.8topg, (3.8FGMpg, 8.8FGApg = 43.2%)
This sim's ranking: B- ... Need a bit more scoring on a better percentage. The rebounding is amazing, no doubt, but the scoring needs to be there. Need about 11-12 ppg from Chills.
Reserve SF/SG: Roberto Dickau: 21.7mpg, 5.2ppg, 3rpg, 2.2apg, 0.5bpg, 0.5spg, 0.8topg, (2.2FGMpg, 5.5FGApg = 40%)
This sim's ranking: C+ ... Poor shooting percentage, but otherwise a decent sim for my backup. Has the scorning ability to put up a bit more though.
PG: Max Guiterrez: 40.3mpg, 15.8ppg, 4.3rpg, 9.2apg, 0.5bpg, 0.8spg, 1.2topg, (5.5FGMpg, 11.8FGApg = 46.6%)
This sim's ranking: A ... Great scoring, great defense, great ball sharing...I mean, a 7.7 a:topg is amazing. Just amazing. Love this kid, love the fact that he STILL has A potential.