after a long search, i may have found a guy who I think could be a solid contributor ina few years and a prospect who imo is worth the #3 pick.
Guys, can we let that sentence run through my DRAFT ANALYZATOR once again:
"After a LONG SEARCH, i MAY have found a guy who I THINK COULD BE a solid contributor IN A FEW YEARS and a PROSPECT who imo is WORTH THE #3 PICK."So,one by one take a look at the key phrases here:
LONG SEARCH - this is to be expected with an overload of information available ... only than around 75% of that information is SCOUTED only and may or may not be true !
MAY - No certainity, look under "scouted only" above.
I THINK - "may" and "i think" in one sentence doesn't bode too well for whats coming ...
COULD BE - It's not even certain that he ever will be, now thats a tough act of balance
IN A FEW YEARS - WHAT, I even have to WAIT for him to become a role player?
PROSPECT - somewhere in the neighborhood twentyfive alarm bells go off simultaneously, for whatever reason. Could really this word, usually reserved for late 2nd round picks, have such a dramatic effect ?
WORTH THE #3 PICK - You gotta be kidding me. You are talking round 2 here, right? This can't be the quest to find a top 3 player in the draft, RIGHT? A STAR. A DIFFERENCEMAKER. SOMEONE TO LEAD MY TEAM ANYWHERE SOON ...
{enter deep sigh here ...}
And if you looked closely enough, i didn't even take the biggest questionmark "a solid contributor" into account here. It means that this guy will never be a superstar, most likely never be even a lesser star, but he will be "a solid contributor" at best. Can we call him a "Nocioni for the poor" then? "Chris Mihm, but without the flair?" "A less polished version of Eduardo Najera?"
Man oh man, if this analysis here isn't a reason to abandon the FBCB draft import i don't know ...