Berkowitz's last sim intrigued me. I know he's been great at generating double-doubles, and I thought his % (dub-dub's/total games played) was pretty good. So I took a sampling of other top big men to see how he stacked up.
I'll share the list I compiled with the rest of you (I looked mostly at the best big men on each team, and didn't include anyone whose threshold fell below 50%, except for two):
# player dubs game %
01 duncan 361 441 0.818594104
02 okafor 400 506 0.790513834
03 garnet 367 480 0.764583333
04 y ming 368 487 0.755646817
05 Berkow 072 107 0.672897196
06 soneal 298 454 0.656387665
07 araujo 306 468 0.653846154
08 boozer 318 492 0.646341463
09 joneal 317 503 0.630218688
10 zrando 309 498 0.620481928
11 stoude 312 507 0.615384615
12 chandl 300 510 0.588235294
13 maglio 277 482 0.574688797
14 ilgaus 278 493 0.563894523
15 ebrand 263 474 0.554852321
16 kemart 248 513 0.483430799
17 dhowrd 201 514 0.391050584
The gap between 4th and 5th is pretty big, especially if you take Berkowitz out due to the small sample size. I was surprised J. O'Neal wasn't higher on the list.
If there's anyone I overlooked that should be included (i.e. above 55%), let me know and I'll update this.