I don't pick on you. I've posted people to use trade checkers/read the rules page dozens of times. The reason things escalate with you is your reaction. You'll never admit wrong until after you've blown up.
Look at my original post. Wasn't mean spirited, wasn't even upset. Just saying one of you two should have caught it
It wouldn't have been too difficult for you to check his roster, see he has 15 players, then realize neither of you two posted about cutting a player. You both should check over rosters from both sides to make sure a trade works.
that's no different than things I've said 50x over in this league. the only difference is the reaction.
And it's your choice to work 40 hours a week, go to school, and run this sim
Working while going to school is not something I have a choice in. This league is my escape. It was brought up to show that you will not get sympathy from me about your schedule. It is YOUR choice to be in this league as well. If you can't make the time comittment to take 10 seconds to look over a roster, then you shouldn't be here.
But this was never really about the time. I just opened up the rosters page and counted his roster, took me 13 seconds. The 13 seconds did not cause this blowup.
All I did, when you complained about the trade not being able to go through, was told you to take some personal responsibility in your yourself for not double checking to make sure it could be done, that you were partly to blame as well. And because of that you had no right to get upset. Personal responsibility. Then you completely go off on me, Calling me ignorant, and that's not even including the part of the post I had to edit out.
And here I am defending myself again?
Personal responsibility. Maybe they'll teach you that at college.
You want to leave? Fine. I'm not stopping you. I have no right to have posts like this directed at me, and I will not tolerate it anymore. Not for what I did.
Hey Bods, congrats, you win the award for most ignorant comment ever.
You're the commish, so you have the right to tell me that I have nothing to complain about pertaining to how busy my life is?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the point where you knew who I am and what I do.
I'm a busy fucking peson, like it or not.
And this is what I figured would happen, and this is stupid.
I. Already. Said. That. My. Post. About. You. Being. Ignorant. Was. Taken. Out. Of. Context.
I HONESTLY thought that you were saying that I had no right to complain about how busy I was in University life. That's where this "blow up" is coming from. It was a misunderstanding just like ever freaking argument we have is, and I'm getting sick of it.
It's all the same, someone says something, I defend myself, bam.
That's the problem with an internet message board, there is no tone or anything in the posts. I can't see your body language.
I never complained. All I said was this would fuck over me and the Bucks. I would have. We spent 2 weeks getting this trade done.
IMO, your job as a commish should be to make people want t be in your league. You're not doing that for me. You're making me want to quit. Why the post about me having Rasho in my DC,

? I can't sense tone usually, but I can sense the sarcasm in that post. I confused Rasho for Wright in the few seconds I had to alter my DC. I'm going to be making a whole lot more simple mistakes like that as I have a wole lot less time. It happens, and it's no big deal.