I dont know what kind of future jazzGm is talking about here.
Kaman is deteriorating. He's ratings and stats is awful. His contract is awful. In return he traded a good defensive C who has an expiring contract. At least with an expiring contract, he might have helped his future.
Good trade for the Cs. They got a good defensive center to help Pau.
Well, I actually never completely understood Kaman. His rebounding skill is undeniable, his offense decent - sure, he won't command double teams as of now - but his defense is what puzzled me.
In the first sim with Pau it looked rock soild vs. the opponent C - but Pau stayed on the floor 10min less because of foul trouble. Just 19min vs. Zach, 17min vs. Duncan and 9min vs. Amare - this was his forth game for Pau against Amare this season and avg. 40mpg in the first three. My guess is, he might have to help way too much to cover for Kamans shortcomings on defense. I'll find out soon.
But the Jazz are right too about the future of Kaman. With more improvement definitely possible (just his last TC was below average, but he's just 25) this deal might help them in the longer run. It's worth the chance ...
As for Booth, he definitely has way more trade value then Kaman as I had to find out. And his expiring comes in handy too, so I get some extra benefit here as well.