Title: Sonics Trade Block... Post by: SonicsGM on April 18, 2005, 01:34:13 PM The Following are available for a future first rounder (next three years) and a matching expiring contract:
Gary Payton A- Handles, B+ Defense, B- Outside Shooting, great veteran PG Earl Watson A- Handles, A- Defense, perfect for a playoff-bound team Jamal Mashburn B- Inside, B- Outside, B Defense, great sixth man who could start for just about anybody at SF. Oliver Miller A- Defense, B rebounding, big presence inside Zendon Hamilton B+ Defense, B rebounding, perfect backup C/PF The Following are available for cheap: Carlos Delfino nice young player locked into a very cheap contract. Zarko Cabarkaba Very good young PF who will have a $2 million expiring contract next year. Title: Sonics Trade Block... Post by: SonicsGM on April 18, 2005, 09:24:07 PM I'd love some responses
Title: Sonics Trade Block... Post by: Str8westcoasta on April 19, 2005, 06:55:44 AM I like Watson and PAyton, but Im having trouble matching contracts. I'd prefer not to move Yao Ming :wink: