Title: Armon Gilliam S+T Post by: WolvesGM on June 20, 2009, 04:36:37 PM 27 years old and easily a 20/10 PF.
Willing to sign him to a max contract to whoever wants him. Looking for a some picks for next season and an expiring or maybe some young talent (Who isn't). Also available for picks and expiring are: Spud Webb A.C. Green - can go for a expiring and a first rounder (Any) Can be major contributors for serious contenders. EDIT: Armon has a couple of offers but he's still available for negotiations. Title: Re: Armon Gilliam S+T Post by: WolvesGM on June 23, 2009, 05:47:50 AM Edited.
Title: Re: Armon Gilliam S+T Post by: WolvesGM on June 24, 2009, 07:30:01 AM Edited Again. more of a *bump* though.