Title: Playoff bound teams: Post by: SunsGM on April 26, 2009, 02:13:10 AM Come and strengthen your benches here!
Sampson,Seikaly,Martin and Lister are all great Bigs to bring off of your bench for scoring(Sampson), or def and rebounding(Martin&Seikaly) Scott and Geiger are good options to score against second line defenders. Geiger is getting 8 pts a game in only 14 minutes, on my really really bad team. Imaging what he can do for your team, with other options around him. Both are exp. after this season. Matthews and Rogers are also available, and they can help any team that needs a backup PG, and both are expiring, so no long term commitment. Still looking for Cash, expiring players, and first round picks. let me know through PM If you have any interest. Title: Re: Playoff bound teams: Post by: SunsGM on May 01, 2009, 08:11:07 PM Rogers has been moved, but I still have some nice players available. If youre interested, let me know, the trade deadline is Sundays sim