Archive => Processed Trades => Topic started by: KnicksGM-old5 on April 11, 2009, 11:53:47 PM

Title: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: KnicksGM-old5 on April 11, 2009, 11:53:47 PM

Trade 1:

Kenneth Sharman, McCloud and Owens FOR Isiah Thomas and Shireman

Trade 2:

Caleb Sharman for Larry Johnson

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade
Post by: SonicsGM on April 11, 2009, 11:55:48 PM

Trade 1:

Kenneth Sharman, McCloud and Owens FOR Isiah Thomas and Shireman

Trade 2:

Caleb Sharman for Larry Johnson

Sonics agree to both deals

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: CelticsGM on April 14, 2009, 10:21:10 AM
Trade #2 can't be done, salaries do not match

upholding the whole deal until you either rework part 2 ... or mutually agree that part 1 can be done on it's own as well.

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: KnicksGM-old5 on April 14, 2009, 12:13:23 PM
Trade 1:

Kenneth Sharman and Owens FOR Isiah Thomas and Shireman

Trade 2:

Caleb Sharman and McCloud for Larry Johnson

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: KnicksGM-old5 on April 14, 2009, 12:17:48 PM
Do we need to wait for Sonics' approval? It's basically the same deal. We're still netting the same players, I just moved McCloud from trade 1 to trade 2.

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: SonicsGM on April 14, 2009, 01:48:02 PM
Either that, or this...

Trade 1: Billy Owens for Larry Johnson

Trade 2: Kenneth Sharman, Caleb Sharman, George McCloud for Isiah Thomas

Sonics agree

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: KnicksGM-old5 on April 14, 2009, 01:55:32 PM
Either that, or this...

Trade 1: Billy Owens for Larry Johnson

Trade 2: Kenneth Sharman, Caleb Sharman, George McCloud for Isiah Thomas

Sonics agree

Knicks accept

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: CelticsGM on April 19, 2009, 06:11:22 PM
Sonics have just one open roster spot.

C'MON guys, a little more awareness of your own roster ...

Title: Re: Knicks-Sonics, 2-opart trade (ON HOLD)
Post by: SonicsGM on April 19, 2009, 08:41:43 PM

Sonics cut Dominik Mihalik