Title: Suns Full Rebuild! Post by: SunsGM on April 09, 2009, 12:26:30 PM EVERYONE IS AVAILABLE!!!
Sampson-21 pts 9 reb a game very managable 1mil contract Hardaway-trade restriction until day 51 17 pts 5 ast while playing SG Wyatt Rogers-young pg, 10+ ast per game last season 8+this season Seikaly 9pts, 11 reb 2 blks in 30 minutes a game all these players as well as anyone else are readily available. looking for the normal rebuild assets, high first round picks, exp contracts, young players on rookie contracts,, and gm pts etc. pm any interest, there are some good guys here that can definately help some contenders. SunsGM Title: Re: Suns Full Rebuild! Post by: SunsGM on April 18, 2009, 12:39:59 AM As we get closer to the trade deadline, i just want to remind everyone that these guys are still available. Imagine adding Sampson and his 21 pts and 9 rebounds for the stretch run? Or a vet big body in Seikaly?
Scott,Geiger,Rogers, Lister would be good role/bench guys for a playoff team. let me know if there is any interest. |