Title: RBSL needing a new GM, again..... Post by: NetsGM on February 07, 2009, 02:04:35 PM Our RocketsGM is planning on stepping down at the end of the current season, so are looking for a replacement. If you're interested, please register as NewRocketsGM (or something similar) so Nick knows you're not a spammer, and let me know via PM that you've joined. Thanks.
*This team needs some work, but could be well worth it. Am sure we could persuade the outgoing GM to give up the reins sooner if someone wanted to get in and put their stamp on the team before the trade deadline (i.e, Sim 8 is Sunday night, Sim 9 on Tuesday, Sim 10 on Thursday, and the deadline two Sundays from now, late night). |