Title: Suns Rebuild Post by: SunsGM on January 23, 2009, 06:16:28 PM Looking to Move Sampson and Wilkins, really anyone on my team. i'm looking for picks and matching expiring contracts and or cash. Since i'm out of contention, its time to start moving my valueable pieces and go into full rebuild. If you have any interest, send an PM.
Thanks! SunsGM Title: Re: Suns Rebuild Post by: SunsGM on January 26, 2009, 12:26:16 AM Wilkins is gone, but Sampson is still available. I'd be looking for a similar package for him as to what I got for Nique. So if there is any interest in any playoff teams, he'd bolster your opportunity to win it all now, and he's not a heavy investment, as he's an exp contract after this season.