Title: Nets Off-Season Block - Updated Sat Nov 29 Post by: NetsGM on November 24, 2008, 09:05:24 AM Will consider S&T with Jonathon Pryzbilla.
Considering offers on Timmy. Early picks might just do it. Will consider moving Byron Scott, Adam Fortson. Will consider moves of Sean Elliot or Clarence Weatherspoon with a future first for an early pick this year - perhaps both or Ed Saperstein worked in to get the right pick. Jalen Rooks, who performed superbly, could be added to this kind of deal as well. Would be looking to reload, rather than rebuild. Also have the opton of S&T's with Cummings and Woot, if anyone is interested. Please let me know sooner rather than later - am looking to celebrate the return of SSBA stability with a trade or two!! Title: Re: Nets Off-Season Block - Updated Sat Nov 29 Post by: NetsGM on November 29, 2008, 12:50:29 PM Updated first post. Looking to make a move or two.