Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 10, 2005, 09:39:56 PM Vince can go pretty well dirt cheap now.
I'd be looking for a young, long term replacement, with a minimum of B potential and B+ defense, although I could be lineant. After that, it would require expiring contracts. That's it. This is an offer you CAN'T turn down. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 13, 2005, 07:00:37 PM Offers have been sent to 14 teams. 3 have accepted. You know who you are. The other 11 need to fire back very soon.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 13, 2005, 07:26:36 PM Things are moving fast and furious.
3 are accepted. 1 has dropped out. 2 are likely to drop out. So If you didn't receive a PM, but still have an offer, you better make it now. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: MavsGM on April 13, 2005, 07:29:30 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Things are moving fast and furious. 3 are accepted. 1 has dropped out. 2 are likely to drop out. So If you didn't receive a PM, but still have an offer, you better make it now. Wait, if I did my math right, you said three offers were accepted but one dropped out and likely two more will drop out then you don't really have an offer. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 13, 2005, 07:34:14 PM No,no there are 14 overall. 3 are in, DONE.
So there are 11 left. Of those 11, 1 has dropped out. Down to 10. Of those 10, 2 are likely to drop out. Probably down to 8 that I haven't heard back from. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 13, 2005, 07:44:04 PM 5 of the offers sent out have been accepted. Another is close.
I need to hear back from Celtics, Knicks, Magic, Wizards, Pistons, Pacers, Warriors, Lakers. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 13, 2005, 10:23:19 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM 5 of the offers sent out have been accepted. Another is close. I need to hear back from Celtics, Knicks, Magic, Wizards, Pistons, Pacers, Warriors, Lakers. That might take awhile :) Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: MagicGM on April 13, 2005, 10:45:16 PM well, I've already replied to raptors gm...
how bout you replying to that one? :D Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 07:07:42 AM Ok, update. 5 are accepted, for sure.
Another, I'm pretty sure was accepted, but I need confirmation. After that, 2 other I believe are gung-ho. So that is 8 offers accepted. 5 have turned me down. Magic, I'm including you in that category, so I don't know what you want to hear back from me for :) I'm only waiting to hear from 1 more GM. I won't wait long. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 07:09:55 AM Knicks, Wizards and Warriors- I am waiting for confirmation. You all sounded like you would do it.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: MagicGM on April 14, 2005, 08:31:43 AM so, when will we acutally know which deal you'll do?
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 08:57:38 AM It depends. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Celtics, but I won't wait on him. When I get home from work tonight, around 830 pm East, I hope to see confirmation from the Wizards, Warriors and Knicks.
After that, either tonight or tommorow morning, I will send out Pm's titled "Vince Sweepstakes Round wo" In which I will tell teams if their offer ranks in the upper or lower half of those which I have received. Teams will then be given a grace period to adjust or hold firm to their offers. Then I will evaluate which deal is best for me, and pull the triggr. Won't be before tonight's sim, should be before Sunday's sim. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 14, 2005, 10:46:47 AM You must be Stephen A Smith's best friend....
Insider info... Vince will be traded :? Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 12:38:24 PM Haha, difference is - I'm the GM :) I KNOW Vince will be traded.
I have acceptance from Wizards and Knicks, so Everyone that that accepted will get a PM tonight, hopefully. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 14, 2005, 12:44:36 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Haha, difference is - I'm the GM :) I KNOW Vince will be traded. I have acceptance from Wizards and Knicks, so Everyone that that accepted will get a PM tonight, hopefully. Does everyone get their own ranking, and then have to try and move themselves up? Maybe you should just arrange a public auction instead, it would be much easier... Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 12:48:22 PM This IS an auction.
No, I won't tell people if they are the best offer. I will till them if they rank upper half or lower half. It's up to them to adjust their "bid" or stay the same. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 09:00:59 PM Ok, Round Two PM's have been sent out.
I NEED TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE YOUR OFFER. EVEN IF YOU THINK THIS IS GIMMICKY AND STUPID (Do you Dabods? :) ) IF I DO NOT HEAR BACK FROM YOU, I WILL ASSUME YOU CANCELLED YOUR OFFER. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 14, 2005, 09:04:38 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Ok, Round Two PM's have been sent out. I NEED TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE YOUR OFFER. EVEN IF YOU THINK THIS IS GIMMICKY AND STUPID (Do you Dabods? :) ) IF I DO NOT HEAR BACK FROM YOU, I WILL ASSUME YOU CANCELLED YOUR OFFER. I do :wink: Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 09:05:25 PM Of Course. So do I. But you know what? It's gonna work.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: HornetsGM on April 14, 2005, 09:21:39 PM I am just glad you got rid of Mo Pete. At least Vince has some talent, so I don't mind hearing about him as much...
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 14, 2005, 09:25:12 PM :) I'm quite persistent, aint I?
Look what I got for Morris. I'm looking for a similar package for Vince :) Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:51:11 AM So, so far 1 has dropped out, 4 have confirmed their final offers without change.
Still waiting to hear from Nets, Wiz, Twolves and Grizz. Oh, and Celtics, but that's from the first round. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 04:10:50 PM Update (4/15/05 4pm)
I need to hear from Grizz, Nets and Wizards. There is some thin-wearing patience, so have prudence when getting back to me. Ok, I honestly don't know what prudence means, but it sounded right. There is an offer that I am going to accept soon if I don't hear back from anyone else, and if no one adjusts their bids. There was one clear front runner from the start, and since no one has offered more, then no one has made a push. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:09:15 PM Heard from the Grizz- he's not upping his offer, meaning he has alot of teams ahead of him.
Now it's up to the Wizards and the Nets. As soon as they get back to me, we can get this thing wrapped up. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:17:27 PM And I have set a deadline for the Nets and Wiz of 9 am tommorow morning.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:35:56 PM my submission's in. I'm out.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:46:51 PM well, you're not out, but you didn't up the offer, so you are out BARRING a miracle.
Grizz now want back in :) I'm not waiting long for the Grizz to up the offer or for the Wiz to talk to me. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 06:51:34 PM A correction has been made. THE VINCE SWEEPSTAKES ENDS AS SOON AS I HEAR BACK FROM 1 GM, not the Wiz. There is one who is way out in front. As soon as I hear back from him, it's over. So if you want Vince, blow me away right now.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 07:45:42 PM Quote from: LakersGM OOOOOOH the suspense. Its like CHRISTMAS. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHATS UNDER THE TREE! :roll: Maybe you should stay out of my thread. Seriously, I PM'd you with the title "Potential Trade" and what do you say back?? Quote from: LakersGM Potential Rejection? I offered you Vince and a pick for Stephen Jackson, Vlade and a pick. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 07:50:57 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Quote from: LakersGM OOOOOOH the suspense. Its like CHRISTMAS. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHATS UNDER THE TREE! :roll: Maybe you should stay out of my thread. Seriously, I PM'd you with the title "Potential Trade" and what do you say back?? Quote from: LakersGM Potential Rejection? I offered you Vince and a pick for Stephen Jackson, Vlade and a pick. What pick Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 08:17:55 PM I also predict that you will give me Childress :)
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 08:22:44 PM i do believe a part of that is the language barrier though.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 08:29:30 PM Quote from: BullsGM Quote from: RaptorsGM Quote from: LakersGM OOOOOOH the suspense. Its like CHRISTMAS. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHATS UNDER THE TREE! :roll: Maybe you should stay out of my thread. Seriously, I PM'd you with the title "Potential Trade" and what do you say back?? Quote from: LakersGM Potential Rejection? I offered you Vince and a pick for Stephen Jackson, Vlade and a pick. What pick Their pick this year. But seriously, if you don't like the offer fine, and if you want to be rude about it in your response, fine, but don't come into my thread and keep being rude. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 08:45:30 PM Quote from: KingsGM so i'm a psychic cause i said horrible on your trade proposal? are you retard? :? Ok Kings, enough of this in my thread. Got it? Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 08:46:30 PM It's not like he started it.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 08:49:44 PM Sorry for the thread jacking Trev
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 15, 2005, 08:51:37 PM Just choose the winner of the Vince Sweepstakes already!!!! :D
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 08:59:29 PM :) Like i said, I'm waiting to hear back from 1 guy.
And all stupid, offensive and useless posts have been axed. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: LakersGM-old on April 15, 2005, 09:04:03 PM give me a break, they were both jokes. IF you cant take it im sorry but thats not my problem.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 09:08:32 PM Quote from: LakersGM give me a break, they were both jokes. IF you cant take it im sorry but thats not my problem. Look, you responded to my offer by saying "Potential Rejection?". You could have said that and then explained why. There is quite a bit of work that goes into making an offer, and you didn't honour that at all. That's the problem. Anyway, if you need to discuss it anymore, PM me. Don't do it here. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: LakersGM-old on April 15, 2005, 09:58:30 PM so would have a simple no been more suitable for you? I mean its the same thing.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:03:00 PM if somebody doesn't like a proposal it's not their duty to elaborate why. would it be nice? sure. But it's not something you can make them do.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:06:27 PM Bods, quit being the damn devil's advocate :)
It would make the League run a hell of a lot smoother. As of right now, I'm not saure if I want to bother sending anything to the Kings or Lakers again. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:20:06 PM It would also make things run smoother if you wouldn't tell people how to run their team. It would also make things run smoother if you didn't call people out in public on things that are of private matters.
Remember once when I suggested to you that it might be wise to make trade offers via pm's rather than in threads (this was back after 2005 of the old league, I believe)? You flipped on me, telling me not to suggest how to do things and that you didn't see any championships by the nuggets. People don't like to be told how to do things. Not by me. Not by you. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 10:22:02 PM The tension thickens :)
This is just for fun guys Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: KingsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 10:22:35 PM it seems like we're are all wrong and the rapsGM is only one right :roll:
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:23:50 PM No. There are many people wrong. Which compounds the problem.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 15, 2005, 10:27:53 PM Must be tension boiling over about the Sixers/Pacers and Wiz/Cavs games... :wink: Big game for all the teams...
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:30:55 PM Quote from: NetsGM It would also make things run smoother if you wouldn't tell people how to run their team. It would also make things run smoother if you didn't call people out in public on things that are of private matters. Remember once when I suggested to you that it might be wise to make trade offers via pm's rather than in threads (this was back after 2005 of the old league, I believe)? You flipped on me, telling me not to suggest how to do things and that you didn't see any championships by the nuggets. People don't like to be told how to do things. Not by me. Not by you. Huh? All the offers I have sent out are vai PM..so I'm pretty confused. And I have not told anyone how to run their team. Nor have I called anyone out in public. I said things would run smoother if people responded to PM's. I asked LakersGM to stay out of my thread if he didn't have anything positive or contsructive to add. So where do I fit in to that post? ^ And BTW, yes I do remember that from the old league. Me "flipping out" was over a build-up of things from you. For one, I think you told me rather forcefully that offering trades via PM would be better. Also, in a Yahoo league, you were telling me how to run my team. It was annoying to the point of being extreme. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:33:37 PM Quote from: GoldenStateGM Must be tension boiling over about the Sixers/Pacers and Wiz/Cavs games... :wink: Big game for all the teams... Honestly, I think that is exactly what it is. Thank God for Iverson and Webber :) Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: KingsGM-old on April 15, 2005, 10:37:14 PM philly W and i won the bet, 100 $ yea baby!!!!
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 15, 2005, 10:39:48 PM Quote All the offers I have sent out are vai PM..so I'm pretty confused. It was from the past. Back then you didn't send them out all via pm. As for calling out, you do it numerous times. You just did it with LakersGM, asking him about the interaction of your trade discussions. You did it with Kings a while back, bringing out his trade offer to the public. When the Grizzlies didn't respond to a pm in what you deemed a timely manner you called them out. You tell people how to run their team (how to respond to pm's, how quickly to respond to pm's). My pointing out your response when I did something similary to you was to show you how aggravating it can be. This entire thing started when you got mad at LakersGM for saying the Vince sweepstakes was stupid. Something you admitted might be true from the beginning. I'd love to see your reaction to someone doing mass pm's like you have done. BTW, that FNBA league was an absolute waste. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 15, 2005, 10:40:19 PM And Gilbert, Antawn, and Hughes... 85 points between them... Whoooosh...
Although Lebron is looking better and better every game these days... Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 11:08:18 PM Quote from: NetsGM Quote All the offers I have sent out are vai PM..so I'm pretty confused. It was from the past. Back then you didn't send them out all via pm. As for calling out, you do it numerous times. You just did it with LakersGM, asking him about the interaction of your trade discussions. You did it with Kings a while back, bringing out his trade offer to the public. When the Grizzlies didn't respond to a pm in what you deemed a timely manner you called them out. You tell people how to run their team (how to respond to pm's, how quickly to respond to pm's). My pointing out your response when I did something similary to you was to show you how aggravating it can be. This entire thing started when you got mad at LakersGM for saying the Vince sweepstakes was stupid. Something you admitted might be true from the beginning. I'd love to see your reaction to someone doing mass pm's like you have done. BTW, that FNBA league was an absolute waste. The bolded part- then who cares? Why are we talking about that now? We'll just have to agree to disagree. The Mass PM thing? I would love it if others would do it. What's the big problem? You get one PM, not 29, so its pretty easy to delete if you don't want it. The Lakers came into my thread, and started calling my ideas stupid. I don't care what he thinks, or what you think, that's a bad idea. That's something that can be saved for himself. It's as if some of us agree, and some of us don't. Some of us, like me, Bulls, Warriors, etc, don't like to see our time spent making proposals go down the drain when someone either just says no, or says no and adds a personal attack. And I disagree with you comparing what I have done now to what you did then. You LITERALLY told me how to run my team, at least on Yahoo. I would say "so and so is up for trade, looking for positions X" and you would say "don't look for position X, trade players C and D for position Y. That's telling someone how to run their team. Me saying that answering to PM's with more than two words would make things run smoother isn't telling anyone how to run their team. Ok, as for calling out - Lakers - Fine. I can agree with that. I was a little pissed that I put that much time into PM'ing the Lakers with what I thought was a fair offer, then having them turn around like that. You would be too. Kings- bringing out their trade offer- That's my bad too, but I was just, at the time, getting sick of the Kings attacking me and my team via PM. Grizz- Come on. Now you're being ridiculous. The Grizz had a Trade thread, which they said, PM me of you like any of my players. I PM'd him. He read it, I got nothing back. Then he posted AGAIN in his trade thread, saying "how come no offers..." Anyway, now it sounds like you are BLAMING me for this whole thing, because "I started it" when I asked the Lakers not to post his stupid Christmas Tree shit in my thread. It's the same thing as in a Completed Trades thread. You don't go posting stuuf until both have agreed. You and others almost botched the Celtics trade for me. All I can say is whatever. I'm not going to disrespect you, and I'm not going to be "mad" at you or lose any sleep over this. If you believe that ^ then I will just respect it and move on. Nothing lost, nothing gained. And what FNBA league are you talking about? Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: LakersGM-old on April 15, 2005, 11:32:03 PM I didntknow i had to provide an essay explaining why im not going to do a trade. Is that required? I must have missed something. ANd i also remember you saying, This may sound stupid but.... AND FINALLY IT WAS A JOKE it wasnt personally directed at you or nething. Yaknow sometimes its nice to throw a little humor into things.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 15, 2005, 11:37:08 PM I've locked this topic, and responded to the Lakers in private.
Mods can still post here if they have anything to say. Or if you want to unlock it, I don't care. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: NetsGM on April 16, 2005, 09:09:29 AM Quote The bolded part- then who cares? Why are we talking about that now? Heh. Ok. One more time. I brought up your reaction to my trades via pm suggestion not to say you did anything wrong but to show your own reaction to being told how to do things. You didn't like it. Some other people don't like it either. Quote The Mass PM thing? I would love it if others would do it. What's the big problem? You get one PM, not 29, so its pretty easy to delete if you don't want it Because no matter how hard you push it, not everybody cares about your team. Imagine if everybody did that. We'd be getting 29 pm's. That's what the trade talk board is for. Quote The Lakers came into my thread, and started calling my ideas stupid. I don't care what he thinks, or what you think, that's a bad idea. That's something that can be saved for himself. And you retaliating simply moves the thread further from usefulness. You bringing up private conversations pushes it even further. Quote And I disagree with you comparing what I have done now to what you did then. You LITERALLY told me how to run my team, at least on Yahoo. I would say "so and so is up for trade, looking for positions X" and you would say "don't look for position X, trade players C and D for position Y. That's telling someone how to run their team Here's what I said. Quote BTW, not only do you have plenty of time before the season starts (most people aren't even checking the site right now anyway, limited the # of potential moves you have), but havin a glut of FC's is never bad. In fact, you only have 3 center eligible players on your roster. With 2 of them being FC's, and with 2 open Util spots, that's not a problem at all. If I were you I'd probably look to move either one of your SF's (Marion, Lewis, Jefferson) or PF's (SAR, Howard) before anyone with Center eligibility. Having less than 3 Centers is playing with fire, and having 3 that can walk and chew gum is a great asset. I clearly said it's my opinion. I gave my opinion on a team and trade. We do that daily here. Quote Me saying that answering to PM's with more than two words would make things run smoother isn't telling anyone how to run their team. No. It's telling people how to operate. A rejected deal is a rejected deal. No matter how much time they spend explaining why. If they're interested in a counter offer, they'll explain. If not, they won't. Either way you lose the time you've invested. Deal with it. There may also be very good reasons not to elaborate (I don't want you to know everything I'm thinking). Point is, you can't tell people how to respond simply because it annoys you. The whole point in bringing you into this is simple. Yes, Kings may do things that you don't like. Lakers might annoy you. But you can annoy people as well. You can't tell people how to act. And until people become a little more forgiving around here, tensions will always be high. And yes, I do blame you for this thread. I blame you for not stopping it at the lakers criticism. And I blame everyone for ragging on the Kings when he hadn't done anything in this thread. There are some things that, if they need to be talked about, need to be talked about in a private manner. Not in a public forum. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 09:19:26 AM I give up. I don't want my threads hijacked, and I'm sure others feel the same.
But whatever, this really isn't that big of a deal. If it's my bad - fine, I apologize. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 04:18:57 PM Bods- I've done something, and I've decided that I love you, and maybe do you want to run off and elope and stuff? Let me know.
What we have had here was a healthy debate. Some GM's have learned that people are not happy to see their hard work go down the drain, and especially not happy when a denail is coupled with a personal attack. Some GM's (myself included) have learned that people don't like to get called out on a Public Forum. But now, I'm opening this thread back up. All I ask is that if you don't have something to say about the Vince Carter saga, don't post here. I don't think that's asking too much. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 04:19:44 PM And back about Vince - still nothing from the GM I am waiting for. I've heard from everyone else.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: BullsGM-old on April 16, 2005, 04:25:00 PM Will this be decided by today, or tm's sim like you originally said
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 04:27:56 PM Quote from: BullsGM Will this be decided by today, or tm's sim like you originally said Like I said, it will be decided when that GM gets back to me. Or if someone fires off a great offer. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 04:55:09 PM Man, this sucks, so dead. No one to talk trades with.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 16, 2005, 04:56:57 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Man, this sucks, so dead. No one to talk trades with. Well, I could discuss some trades, but the Vince thing has to end first... :P Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 05:00:56 PM And the Vince thing WILL end as soon as I hear back from my guy :)
He hasn't been on Since Wednesday night. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 16, 2005, 10:50:20 PM Well, since I'm getting tired of waiting, another team may be closing in on Vince.
And I'm leaving for the night. Hopefully, when I come back in the morning, I will have a PM from the team I need to hear from. Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 08:35:18 AM The Vince Carter Sweepstakes have all but officialy ended. Thank you all who participated. The Winner received a PM, and has been instructed to post it on Completed Trades thread.
Everyone else recieved a rank, out of 8. And of course, until the trade is posted in Completed Trades, it's not official. So if you want to really up your offer, and send me a hot young cat, I'm listening :) Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: SixersGM on April 17, 2005, 09:00:10 AM Hey RapsGM, i received your PM.
So the deal is Mark blount and corliis for VC right? :D Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 09:44:30 AM Quote from: SixersGM Hey RapsGM, i received your PM. So the deal is Mark blount and corliis for VC right? :D That's exactly what the deal is...Post it :) Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 12:49:41 PM Hmm...potential problem. The team that won read the PM, but didn't post the trade. If they are going to take a long time, then I am not going to do their deal. Some of you might be back in.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 12:59:30 PM I have given buddy a cut-off of today's sim. If he doesn't post the trade by then, I'll probably pull out.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 03:20:00 PM Wow, this supremely pisses me off.
Title: New Vince Offer (must read) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 17, 2005, 06:53:56 PM THe Vince Carter Sweepstakes have no offically ended. Please check your numbers to see if you won the door prize.