Title: Olden Polynice on the block Post by: JazzGM-old2 on August 13, 2008, 01:32:18 PM 132 Olden Polynice PF 24 6'11'' 220 C+ C- C- A- B+ C
He's only 24, he's 6'11" got good defense and rebounding and is giving the Jazz 13 points, 10 rebounds, and 1.5 blocks a night. He's in a logjam on my team with Gatling right now. I'm currently wide open at center, so trades offering a center will be looked favorably upon. I mean a big guy. 7'+ and 255lbs+. But, I'll entertain all offers. If the center is good enough I'm not opposed to adding extra. Maybe a lot extra. Get back to me, JazzGM Title: Re: Olden Polynice on the block Post by: JazzGM-old2 on August 14, 2008, 05:57:49 PM Maybe we'll revisit this in free agency, but, I'm underwhelmed with the number of offers I've had. (0)