Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 08, 2005, 05:43:55 PM Now, I NEED to trade one of them for a defensive minded player. I don't want a player who can't score or has no potential.
These are my LOOSELY BASED requirements. B- inside C outside B- handles A defense C- rebounding B potential OR BETTER. But if your guy comes close, it's worth a shot. EDIT: I HAVE SET A DEADLINE FOR MYSELF OF 3 PM EASTERN TO TRADE ONE OF THESE HIGH SCORING SWINGMAN. I'M GOLFING THIS MORNING TIL ABOUT 11-12, SO HAVE A PM TO ME FOR WHEN I GET BACK. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 08, 2005, 07:37:23 PM So there has been some interest.
I want to inform you all that a deal WILL be made. Some may be scared because Vince is "only" averagin 20 a game, but then you're missing the point. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: NetsGM on April 08, 2005, 07:44:17 PM I'd be interested, but especially with the 60 day rule I can't see anything happening.
Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 08, 2005, 07:46:40 PM Well, you know I'm intersted in Battier.
Here's what I would do with you, Nets. If you worked out a trade NOW, signed it, and didn't go back on our word, but it wouldnt be processed til day 60. So let me know if you are interested. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: NetsGM on April 08, 2005, 07:48:53 PM If I give my word, I'll honor it.
And if I like the deal enough, I could give the word. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 08, 2005, 07:49:45 PM I'm PM'ing you as we speak.
I just don't want to have a deal done, then miss out on other deals, then somone say "you know, i dont like it now". Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 08, 2005, 09:01:35 PM Get yer act in gear now.
I'm talking to alot of teams. I want one of them GONE. Oh, and by the way, Finley is a 16 million exp. contract. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 09, 2005, 05:44:34 PM Currently talking to 6 teams, and waiting to hear from 2 others.
One of these guys will be gone by tommorow's sim. Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: SonicsGM on April 09, 2005, 05:51:29 PM I can't wait to see what kind of a deal is done.
Melo went, will Vince follow suit? Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 09, 2005, 05:52:50 PM Actually, it's much more likely to be Finley.
Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 09, 2005, 11:32:01 PM All you guys, get back to me. You know who you are. I want to see the word "Raptors" in the Completed Trades thread BEFORE next sim.
Title: Vince or Finley (NEW DEADLINE) Post by: RaptorsGM on April 10, 2005, 04:01:15 PM 1 hour to go.
I need to hear back from 2 teams. You know who you are. C'mon. |