Title: Byron Thomas for 1st, 400$, and a small contract Post by: JazzGM-old2 on July 07, 2008, 06:45:04 PM Just seeing if anyone out there is interested. I have Bryon Thomas who put up 17-11 with 1.6 blocks last year on the block. I'm looking for a specific deal involving 3 parts.
#1 - A first rounder, either now or later. #2 - 400$ to pay for trade exception. #3 - A small contract (about 1mil) or less to complete the matching of salaries. If anyone is interested let me know, I am not going to be too picky about the quality of the 1st, nor the quality of the small salary player. Byron Thomas is a very solid big man who can play 4 or 5 in either a backup or starting role and I think what I'm asking for him is very reasonable. Title: Re: Byron Thomas for 1st, 400$, and a small contract Post by: JazzGM-old2 on July 08, 2008, 03:42:16 PM I didnt' realize that trade exceptions were only 400$ in here. Price lowered accordingly.
Hopefully that'll help spark some interest. Title: Re: Byron Thomas for 1st, 400$, and a small contract Post by: JazzGM-old2 on July 08, 2008, 07:40:02 PM Getting some nibbles on Thomas now. I'll probably move him and for cheap. If you have an offer you think I might like, even if it's not exactly what I was asking for, you'd probably better get it in quickly.