Title: 17-14 big man available. Post by: JazzGM-old2 on June 04, 2008, 02:11:58 PM 550 Bryon Thomas C 13 35,5 16,9 13,9 3,7 1,0 1,4 3,4 ,416 ,514 .000
Taking offers. I'm rebuilding so youth, expirings, and draft picks are what I'm looking for. Bryon has good size, and is putting up 17-14-1.4 pretty impressive numbers. And he's only 30. I won't be looking to give him away obviously. Title: Re: 17-14 big man available. Post by: JazzGM-old2 on June 04, 2008, 10:01:40 PM Just thought I'd bump this. Kinda surprised I haven't seen a ton of offers.