Title: Sixers: 17ppg 10.5rpg 1.5bpg on the block. Post by: SixersGM on June 04, 2008, 10:54:17 AM Eric Wu
17ppg 10.5rpg 1.5bpg .560FG% (non option) 17M expiring What Im looking for: Expirings with 1st rounders Similar amount of salary with promising player Perfect for: Teams that is competing this year. ( I mean, you instantly get a 17-10-1.5bpg guy and you don't need to give up your core/players that is responsible for your current success). Teams that needs to free their cap. (17M expiring) Title: Re: Sixers: 17ppg 10.5rpg 1.5bpg on the block. Post by: SixersGM on June 05, 2008, 11:00:17 AM bump*