Title: Celtics - Sixers small trade Post by: SixersGM on May 16, 2008, 08:01:25 AM Jeremy Munson
for Eric Wu 2029 Celtics' 1st rounder Why: To let me win in DJSL. Thats all.. Title: Re: Celtics - Sixers small trade Post by: CelticsGM on May 16, 2008, 08:40:27 AM Jeremy Munson for Eric Wu 2029 Celtics' 1st rounder Why: To let me win in DJSL. Thats all.. Celtics agree. I always liked Munson and even though his contract will kill me in a few seasons it will be nice to show my kiddies a few things about performance. Now all I have to get is Larry and a few vets and we're ready for a relaunch of Project 30+ ... Title: Re: Celtics - Sixers small trade Post by: HornetsGM on May 21, 2008, 11:13:32 PM I was under the impression that it took more than an expiring and what looks like a non-lotto pick to get Munson...