Title: Dream Big! Karl Malone, Jeremy Munson and Sidney Green Post by: SixersGM on March 28, 2008, 11:24:21 PM The addition of Jeremy Munson has lead me to put these three BIG guys on the block.
BIG MEN Sidney Green 26 years old 6'9 20ppg 11rpg 1.4spg 1.3bpg (as a PF for the Hawks last last year) 13ppg 8rpg 1.4spg 1.1bpg (as an SF for my team last year) Jeremy Munson 32 years old 6'9 B potential 16ppg 11rpg 4.1 bpg nothing more Karl Malone 23 years old B potential 6'9 250 LBS (good enough to play the C position) Career Avg: 18ppg 10rpg 3apg What I want: PG who can average atleast 8apg (most preferable to have a good assist to TO ratio) A true scorer at the SG/SF position Someone who's not yet on his menopausal stage Other Assets: Morris Oyedeji +4 TC last year A potential Suns' 1st rounder next year GSW's 1st rounder next year Mark Price 22 years old 15ppg for the Clippers last last season *assets shall be added only if there is a huge talent gap* *reminder: I'm trading big for small. And talented big men are hard to come by* |