Title: Suns new Trade Block Post by: SunsGM on February 25, 2008, 10:02:47 PM Darren Fleisher-A legit 7-footer, who would be a great addition to and contender. He's an 8million expiring contract,is only 30 years old,and no longer has any trade restrictions on him. Looking for matching exp, and first round picks in any season or cash
Lincoln Lord-Also an expiring contract, can still score and handle the ball. Again, Lord would be great for a contender as a 3rd guard off the bench for shooting,scoring,and ball control. Also looking for future picks or cash, and a expiring contract. Can only be dealt by him self. Henry Saperstein-Not really looking to move him, but last sim as the 2nd option, he put up 20.8 pts and 6.1 ast. just curious a if he has any value. he's signed up for 2 more seasons after this one, and only is 1.45 mil for both seasons, and has 5 bird years. If there is an offer for shoot it over to me. anyone else on my team is also available, although young players like Walker,Washington,Norman and Saperstein have a little more value to me since i'm rebuilding. |