Title: Hard cap violators Post by: PacersGM on January 20, 2008, 01:44:48 PM going into the new seasson the following teams will face a penalty:
bucks and jazz will loose their next available first round draft pick. bucks will loose pick number 22 this year. jazz will loose their pick next year since they have none this year (hope i am right here, if not please correct me) already over the hard cap are the Celtics going into the new season. They will be allowed to sign their draft picks and add min FA to fill their roster to 12. in fact he will be over 12 with his draft picks, so no FA bids for the celtics. No other moves are allowed that would increase their salary. in danger of going over the hard cap are also: Warriors Nets Mavs Title: Re: Hard cap violators Post by: NetsGM on January 20, 2008, 02:54:36 PM No danger here. 10 guys signed (my rotation), two spots to fill, no picks to muddy the waters, and about 5.3 mil to the hard cap line. :tup:
Title: Re: Hard cap violators Post by: CelticsGM on January 21, 2008, 04:08:15 AM that sucks.
(never thought i would write these words but)Tom Chambers had become a vital part of my rotation, in fact my 6th man, and apart of the games against Samspon did pretty good Now I will lose him for nothing in FA !!! |