Title: Warriors - Phillip Meyers from SG to PG Post by: GoldenStateGM on March 31, 2005, 07:53:43 PM Let's see if his handle drops, or his defense improves...
Title: Warriors - Phillip Meyers from SG to PG Post by: CavsGM on March 31, 2005, 08:02:49 PM Interesting. It's not just about if his ratings improve now when his position is changed. He can improve in training camp, then could play well at PG.
Title: Warriors - Phillip Meyers from SG to PG Post by: GoldenStateGM on March 31, 2005, 08:09:58 PM If his handle stays steady at C+ and then improves in TC, I will be thrilled. At 6'6", he could be a pretty decent PG, and still gave me a great back-up SG...
Very excited to have him on my team now. |