Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: HawksGM on November 14, 2007, 10:25:39 AM Tim Adams- (expiring) good vet, a solid player for years. Average a double double through 2 playoff series last season. He hasn't played all year, so his legs are still fresh for a big playoff run. (12 million)
- I am open to anything with him, only contracts with 2 years left or more will be accepted, if the player's contract is big. Terry Teagle - very good outside shooter. See the league leader in 3 pt%. He can be a good sharp shooter off the bench. He is expiring, but I will need something in return for him. Joel Pryzbilla - solid shot blocker. Is not an offensive threat but can rebound okay and is a good shotblocker. I am open to anything with him also. Title: Re: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: NetsGM on November 14, 2007, 10:29:07 AM PM'd.