Title: Bulls - Hawks *Restructured Trade* - processed Post by: BullsGM-old on March 27, 2005, 08:55:48 PM Bulls trade:Baly, Piatkowski, 08 Bulls 1rt DP
Hawks trade: Mo Pete, 07 Knicks 1rst DP Reasoning: I basically broke it down into 2 trades, we already agreed to the Baly for Mo Pete part. So basically it was Piatkowski, and an 08 first for Knicks 07 1rst. I wasn't going to resign Eric anyways and my 08 will most likely be pretty low. The Knicks pick on the other hand should be lotto. Although Baly is pretty good, I got my backup SF and hopefully a lotto pick. Title: Bulls - Hawks *Restructured Trade* - processed Post by: HawksGM on March 27, 2005, 08:58:14 PM agreed, I really like Baly and I'm hoping the Knicks chemistry comes into play and they play well this year so this doesn't hurt....I think that it's worth it but this is a pretty even trade...Piatowski can shoot too which is an area I can use help at
Title: Bulls - Hawks *Restructured Trade* - processed Post by: BullsGM-old on March 27, 2005, 09:03:23 PM Yeah the outcome of this trade will depend on how well the Knicks do this year. They're essentially the same team as last year, so I'm guessing they'll be lotto. They also don't really have many tradable assests, but you never know what can happen.