Title: outbox and sent items Post by: HeatGM on March 27, 2005, 09:01:21 AM i dunno wats wrong everytime i send a msg it would go the outbox not the sent items....i already sent dbods on my rookie list but it keeps going to my outbox....help....
Title: outbox and sent items Post by: RaptorsGM on March 27, 2005, 09:03:12 AM It goes to the outbox because it hasn't been recevied yet.
For instance, it's only you nd me online right now. If you send a PM to Bods right now, it's going to go to your outbox. Once he comes online and opens it, it then goes to your sentbox. Bods has said all along that he will not open your draft sheet until it is your day to pick. Title: outbox and sent items Post by: NetsGM on March 27, 2005, 11:01:48 AM It remains in your outbox until the other person has read it. Once it's been read, it goes to your sentbox.
I have received your draft lists, however I have not read them. And will not read them until I make your pick, for reasons listed here: http://phillyarena.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=523 Title: asgash Post by: HeatGM on March 28, 2005, 09:49:26 AM right....thnx.... :D