Title: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: KingsGM-old on September 18, 2007, 04:30:42 PM It's kinda getting late here and i'm still waiting for couple of GM's and numerous PM's to be replied, i'm sure other people are working on some deals as well but there's no one here as it seems.
I gotta to catch some sleep before the work so can we extend a deadline? Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: KingsGM-old on September 18, 2007, 04:43:43 PM Pacers where are you God dammit?!
Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: CelticsGM on September 18, 2007, 05:38:56 PM I would appreciate it too, probably till tomorrow evening.
I had some family business today and there's no way I can finish negotiations now, jsut too tired. Maybe if someone else also joins in, the commish would grant us a few more hours ... Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: BlazersGM on September 18, 2007, 06:04:09 PM I could use some time as well. At least until tomorrow midday ECT.
Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: NetsGM on September 18, 2007, 06:12:23 PM eh. It's a deadline, not a community decision on when trading should stop. It's not like you just found out about the time, so I never really see the "something personal came up", or "GM's aren't online!" argument. Not to mention, the deadline's already extended by doing the day 99 thing. We're not here to try to push through as many deals as possible.
Extending the deadline might help YOU push through a deal, but does it help the LEAGUE? What about people who are in a playoff race, that get hurt because you were able to push through a trade that you didn't deserve to get? A deadline IMO is a deadline. When it's an announced date, it should be strict. We've been lax on it in the past, but I don't think it's the right decision. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: Str8westcoasta on September 18, 2007, 06:39:42 PM eh. It's a deadline, not a community decision on when trading should stop. It's not like you just found out about the time, so I never really see the "something personal came up", or "GM's aren't online!" argument. Not to mention, the deadline's already extended by doing the day 99 thing. We're not here to try to push through as many deals as possible. Extending the deadline might help YOU push through a deal, but does it help the LEAGUE? What about people who are in a playoff race, that get hurt because you were able to push through a trade that you didn't deserve to get? A deadline IMO is a deadline. When it's an announced date, it should be strict. We've been lax on it in the past, but I don't think it's the right decision. Couldn't agree with you more... Right on the money! Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: BlazersGM on September 18, 2007, 07:10:24 PM I dunno, sometimes negotiations take a week or two, or you dont get a final response for 2 days because other GM couldnt get online or something happened, anyway, were just asking for few hours, not full day or two.
For me its no problem, its no big deal anyway if i do it or not. Its just some minor trade. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: PacersGM on September 19, 2007, 01:19:14 AM i agree with bods here. we already extended the deadline to sim 11. i never understood that you have to do a deal at the very last moment and if it wasn´t possible ask for more time. there is always a next chance to get that spezial guy you are targeting in the offseason.
Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: KingsGM-old on September 19, 2007, 02:45:48 AM eh. It's a deadline, not a community decision on when trading should stop. It's not like you just found out about the time, so I never really see the "something personal came up", or "GM's aren't online!" argument. Not to mention, the deadline's already extended by doing the day 99 thing. We're not here to try to push through as many deals as possible. Extending the deadline might help YOU push through a deal, but does it help the LEAGUE? What about people who are in a playoff race, that get hurt because you were able to push through a trade that you didn't deserve to get? A deadline IMO is a deadline. When it's an announced date, it should be strict. We've been lax on it in the past, but I don't think it's the right decision. We've done it in the past numerous times, i don't see what's the problem. it's not my fault i live on the other site of the world so rather then waiting all night for certain GM's to show up and then sleepin on my job next day, i asked for a 1 day delay. Big deal. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: CelticsGM on September 19, 2007, 03:54:16 AM i agree with bods here. we already extended the deadline to sim 11. i never understood that you have to do a deal at the very last moment and if it wasn´t possible ask for more time. there is always a next chance to get that spezial guy you are targeting in the offseason. Tough having to explain salary rules to a commissioner: there is no chance of trading a 16mill expiring in the offseason, nor next season since that guy is most likely retiring. :bash: (i never understood why nobody seems to understand that it's tough talking trade with people in 12 different time zones, it can take days to even get 4 PMs across. nor do i understand why constantly there's the allegation we're all just a bunch of kids hanging around and simply being too lazy to get something done in time. we're mostly grown men here sharing this game with other business and sometimes even something called a private life interferes with SSBA - as hard as that is to believe. Nobody expected the league to "hold on until it assumes everyone got his business finished, that's the reason why some of us POLITELY asked for a brief extension of the deadline - which of course was denied by another hardliner approach. So yeah, THANKS, we're sure saving a few hours of precious time holding onto the deadline) Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: PacersGM on September 19, 2007, 05:20:36 AM i gave you a few hours. since deadline was at 5pm and i simmed like 6 hours later.
like you said different time zone. And we all have jobs to do and it is pretty unfair to accuse everyone else that you couldn´t make your trade. I made the schedule like 2 month ago and nobody can explain to me that it isn´t possible to make a trade during this time. If both are interested in a trade there is always a way to find a solution. We have this discussion every year. And every year the same guys ask for more time. Accept that there is a deadline, start negotiating earlier and if you can´t find a solution in 4 days some hours more won´t help either. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: NetsGM on September 19, 2007, 08:03:43 AM Quote (i never understood why nobody seems to understand that it's tough talking trade with people in 12 different time zones, it can take days to even get 4 PMs across. Nobody ever said it was easy. But I don't understand why everybody seems to think that you're supposed to, or entitled to, be able to complete every trade you begin discussions with. In the NBA trades don't materialize all the time. And at the deadline many deals are left on the table because negotiations don't finish before the deadline. If this were strictly about time and the difficulty there is of communicating between SSBA'ers, the discussion would be over. YOU'RE ALREADY GAINING 2 DAYS BY MOVING IT BACK TO SIM 11. You've already gotten time to work out deals that haven't been able to be ironed out, for whatever reason. The fact of the matter is there will ALWAYS be a deadline, and there will ALWAYS be deals that will be "close" but not quite finished, and there will ALWAYS people who can be benefited by extending the deadline. Quote nor do i understand why constantly there's the allegation we're all just a bunch of kids hanging around and simply being too lazy to get something done in time .Nope. nobody's said that. Like I said above, there will always be deals that are close to being done, but still need more time. Quote sometimes even something called a private life interferes with SSBA All the more reason the commish should sim when the time is scheduled, not when it's convenient for the league. The commish has a regular life, too. Quote Nobody expected the league to "hold on until it assumes everyone got his business finished Which is exactly the reason why extending the deadline is a bad idea. GM's who get to finish deals that originally weren't done on time get a huge benefit. The people who don't get the two people online to continue the negotiations, or the people who don't have any open negotiations get screwed. This is the question I asked earlier that I didn't get a response to. Why is it fair FOR THE LEAGUE if a SINGLE GM OR COUPLE OF GM'S request an extension, because they're close to a trade, get the extension, and now I'm put at a competitive disadvantage because they obtained players whom they shouldn't have? We might as well just break rules for certain teams "because it would help them make trades". Quote that's the reason why some of us POLITELY asked for a brief extension of the deadline I don't care if you asked politely, rudely, or by smoke signals. That doesn't change whether extending the deadline is right or wrong. Quote which of course was denied by another hardliner approach It's a DEADLINE, which by definition is a hard line. Quote dead·line /ˈdɛdˌlaɪn/ –noun 1. the time by which something must be finished or submitted; the latest time for finishing something: This is the latest time for wrapping up trade negotiations. Having a deadline doesn't mean it's easy to make a trade. But it does mean that is the time trades need to be finished by. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: CelticsGM on September 19, 2007, 09:08:44 AM I agree that an extended holiday is my personal matter and I won't make the league responsible for not having enough time to complete trades, but nonetheless it's a fact I was away and at least from my point of view i did not have enough time to get the business here done.
And that's all I can say ... let's just agree we disagree on that "deadline extension" matter. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: SpursGM-old on September 19, 2007, 09:32:52 AM Sorry, Tom, but I agree with Pacers & Pistons. Your team has been on auto pilot for most of this season. I understand that you chose family/personal life over the game...and I applaud you for that. However, because you got back just a few days before the deadline shouldn't change the rules. You KNEW the deadline before you made the CHOICE to go on vacation.
And Pistons is right...originally the deadline was sim 10 (day 100 - program limit). Early on in the life of this league it was extended to sim 11 to give GMs more time to complete deals. The only sim that does not allow trades is the final sim of regular season. How much easier does it have to be for trades to occur? Almost every GM here is active. And if 3-5 messages isn't enough to finalize a deal by the deadline then the deal probably wasn't going to happen in the first place. And if a GM waits until sim 10 to start discussions then they just have to recognize they are on a very tight timetable. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: WizardsGM on September 19, 2007, 09:36:09 AM Though I agree a deadline is a deadline, I also believe it is at the discretion of the commish. If he has another free day and agrees to move it back, that is his call and everyone should appreciate that. If he doesnt have the time and wants to sim it as scheduled, people shouldnt have a problem with that either.
Note that this isnt directed at Tom, this is a generalized comment. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: HornetsGM on September 19, 2007, 10:57:46 AM To me it seems that a commish will be much more willing to extend a deadline if he himself is working on a deal or doesn't feel at that moment like going through everything it takes to run a sim.
I think it's best to be strict with the rules, but if one is strict, then one should be consistently strict. As we can see, the lenient approach taken in the past set up a few GMs for disappointment, as they were expecting the usual break. Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: PacersGM on September 19, 2007, 11:39:08 AM Quote To me it seems that a commish will be much more willing to extend a deadline if he himself is working on a deal or doesn't feel at that moment like going through everything it takes to run a sim. i was working on a deal, a pretty big one to be honest but decided that i need sleep more than another trade. So your argument has no point here and i would never make a difference between my intensions and the wishes of the rest here. That would kill any integrity that a commish should have.Quote I think it's best to be strict with the rules, but if one is strict, then one should be consistently strict. As we can see, the lenient approach taken in the past set up a few GMs for disappointment, as they were expecting the usual break. again i disagree, i run the simming now for almost 2 seasons. i posted last season and this year again that i won´t move the deadline or even the sim schedule(if my private life allows it). i think consistency is one of the biggest things we need here.Title: Re: Any way to extend the deadline? Post by: KingsGM-old on September 19, 2007, 11:44:30 AM i was working on a deal, a pretty big one to be honest but decided that i need sleep more than another trade. Erm...you should have told me that. We could have finish our deal in the mourning hours (at the job) and no one would've noticed anyway cause you usually sim when majority of this board is sleeping. |