Title: Blazers - Hornets (day41) Post by: BlazersGM on August 17, 2007, 11:35:57 AM Before the deal Blazers cut:
Damon Coles Patrick Guyton Bernard Thompson BLAZERS SEND: Kyle Macy HORNETS SEND: Clyde Drexler Eddie Crawford Matthew Daumeyer Juan Roberts Hornets 2022 1st rounder Blazers agree. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 11:36:31 AM Hornets agree.
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 11:49:04 AM I really like Macy, enough to give up Drexler for him. I'm trying to get some more shooters around these inside scorers, and Macy is a great fit there.
The thing that really sold me on Macy is his ability to play PG. When he started at PG for the Nets in 2019, he put up great numbers: 15.2 ppg, 7.0 apg, 2.2 spg, and only 1.9 topg. A 3.7/1 a/to ratio is pretty damn good for anyone, let alone a combo guard. So maybe I overpaid and am overpaying (max deal) for a probable backup PG/SG, but I think he's a good fit on this team. I'll test him as a starter as a SG in preseason to see what he can do there. Drexler is a fine prospect, but I wanted someone who was more ready to contribute. Drexler has defensive specialist written all over him. Maybe that would have been something I should have stuck with, but it's too late now! Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: NetsGM on August 17, 2007, 11:52:10 AM I really like Macy, enough to give up Drexler for him. I'm trying to get some more shooters around these inside scorers, and Macy is a great fit there. The way my free agency went, I would have been better off to just accept Macy's max deal....in the end I think he's a solid player, and good thief. Just overpaid. The kinda player that if you have the cap room and young players for him to fit around, no problem - I just didn't have that flexibility.The thing that really sold me on Macy is his ability to play PG. When he started at PG for the Nets in 2019, he put up great numbers: 15.2 ppg, 7.0 apg, 2.2 spg, and only 1.9 topg. A 3.7/1 a/to ratio is pretty damn good for anyone, let alone a combo guard. So maybe I overpaid and am overpaying (max deal) for a probable backup PG/SG, but I think he's a good fit on this team. I'll test him as a starter as a SG in preseason to see what he can do there. Drexler is a fine prospect, but I wanted someone who was more ready to contribute. Drexler has defensive specialist written all over him. Maybe that would have been something I should have stuck with, but it's too late now! Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 11:58:21 AM The way my free agency went, I would have been better off to just accept Macy's max deal....in the end I think he's a solid player, and good thief. Just overpaid. The kinda player that if you have the cap room and young players for him to fit around, no problem - I just didn't have that flexibility. Yeah, I think max $ and max years would be way overpaying. As it stands, I would be much happier if he had a year less on his deal. Otherwise, I have no problem paying the max $ because I'm already over the cap. I just have to mess around and figure out how to get some cash to manage these contracts when they all converge and ask for max deals (Natt/Sampson/Wilkins/Stockton). Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 17, 2007, 12:06:46 PM Macy is a fantastic player IMO. Drexler cant shoot but he can defend. However i really liked Drexler in real life and wanted to get him, i just hope he keeps his defense in future and improves his inside a lot with that big potential.
I needed a good PG with great handles and got one in Crawford. Other fillers were also welcomed as they are much better then those backups i had to cut to make this deal work, and i got more frontcourt help which i needed. Pick wont be great or anything, but picks are always welcomed and good for future trades. Nice dealin with you Hornets and good luck with Macy, im sure that guy will be bring great things to Hornets. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 17, 2007, 12:09:50 PM and well i dont see Macy overpaid at all, he is a great player, young with great pot still and he is making 10-14 mil in next 4 years, thats not too much at all, there are many crap players who make that or more, that money he deserves IMO. Its good he is young otherwise his MAX contract would be overpaid then but this money is not much for player like that.
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 12:13:59 PM Thanks Blazers. I really think this was a deal that was good for both of us. It adds to your cap space next season and gives you a piece to the puzzle along with Hakeem. Good luck!
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: NetsGM on August 17, 2007, 12:19:50 PM Guards typically don't improve their inside shooting. Expecting him to is going to lead to disappointment, IMO.
I'm not a huge fan of Drexler. Fine if you have 4 other legit 20 ppg or so options and he can JUST be a defender. Otherwise, he's a bench player. Macy may be overpaid, but the length of contract makes it one you can work with. Hornets win pretty easily IMO. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: NetsGM on August 17, 2007, 02:09:25 PM Guards typically don't improve their inside shooting. Expecting him to is going to lead to disappointment, IMO. I like Drexler and have made plays for him in the past (because I rely on other scorers), but I have to agree with Derek - to expect him to become a scoring threat might be a bit much.I'm not a huge fan of Drexler. Fine if you have 4 other legit 20 ppg or so options and he can JUST be a defender. Otherwise, he's a bench player. Macy may be overpaid, but the length of contract makes it one you can work with. Hornets win pretty easily IMO. Getting back to Macy and my sour grapes - when I say overpaid, I mean by about 2/3 million per - which is what I offered him. The length of the contract is nice. I still wish he would have taken my 6-year deal. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 02:45:34 PM I just realized that this trade will have to wait until Day 41 because of Juan Roberts.
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 02:55:34 PM Hey Blazers, I will cut Roberts, sign a vet, and add him to the trade instead. This will allow it to go through immediately. It will be Eddy Curry...:
Before the deal Blazers cut: Damon Coles Patrick Guyton Bernard Thompson BLAZERS SEND: Kyle Macy HORNETS SEND: Clyde Drexler Eddie Crawford Matthew Daumeyer Eddy Curry Hornets 2022 1st rounder Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 17, 2007, 02:57:56 PM Let me know if this is ok, otherwise, we can wait until Day 41.
Sorry about all the posts, I forget that you can't edit in here. Also, I accidentally stickied this, and I don't know how to unsticky it. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 17, 2007, 08:41:34 PM I dont expect Drexler to be anything fantastic on offense, just great defender, and good offense, B+ would be perfect.
Anyway, i accept this deal as well, i dont want to wait until Day 41. Cheers. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 18, 2007, 03:51:29 AM REWORKED
Before the deal Blazers cut: Damon Coles Patrick Guyton Bernard Thompson Before the deal Hornets cut Juan Roberts and sign Eddy Curry (and after sign Lavar Piatowski) BLAZERS SEND: Kyle Macy HORNETS SEND: Clyde Drexler Eddie Crawford Matthew Daumeyer Eddy Curry Hornets 2022 1st rounder Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 18, 2007, 07:05:10 AM REWORKED Before the deal Blazers cut: Damon Coles Patrick Guyton Bernard Thompson Before the deal Hornets cut Juan Roberts and sign Eddy Curry (and after sign Lavar Piatowski) BLAZERS SEND: Kyle Macy HORNETS SEND: Clyde Drexler Eddie Crawford Matthew Daumeyer Eddy Curry Hornets 2022 1st rounder Accept. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: PacersGM on August 19, 2007, 06:41:20 AM well great workaround hornets but still not possible because macy was ccquired on day 181 (FA day 1) and can´t be traded before day 41.
Please let me know if you still want to do the reworked trade or the original one. you will have time till preseason starts. Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 19, 2007, 07:47:30 AM i prefer original with that other guy.
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: MagicGM on August 19, 2007, 08:03:21 AM you guys can use the trade exception..
Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: PacersGM on August 19, 2007, 08:04:48 AM you guys can use the trade exception.. what do you mean? the problem isn´t money it is macy signed in the FA. there is no workaround for this.Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: MagicGM on August 19, 2007, 08:12:20 AM you guys can use the trade exception.. what do you mean? the problem isn´t money it is macy signed in the FA. there is no workaround for this.Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: HornetsGM on August 19, 2007, 09:12:51 AM Title: Re: Blazers - Hornets Post by: BlazersGM on August 19, 2007, 09:42:29 AM so we wait day 41 ?