Title: Round 2 Picks 21-29 Post by: HawksGM on June 03, 2007, 10:18:40 AM I'm not updating the site because I will be later today, here are how the picks went.
21. Cavs - Roberto Maggette 22. Nets - Khalid Dial 23. Bulls - Jeff Malone 24. Blazers - Damon Coles 25. T'Wolves - Ruben Gehart 26. Jazz - Andre Harris 27. Blazers - Elijah Mills 28. Jazz - Jabahri McHale 29. Hawks - Damian Peterson Title: Re: Round 2 Picks 21-29 Post by: MagicGM on June 03, 2007, 10:50:35 AM bugger. meggette got drafted
waah Title: Re: Round 2 Picks 21-29 Post by: BlazersGM on June 03, 2007, 12:08:08 PM got my #2 and #3 guys on list so im more then happy.