Archive => Past Seasons => Topic started by: HawksGM on April 21, 2007, 09:35:56 PM

Title: Sim 6 DC
Post by: HawksGM on April 21, 2007, 09:35:56 PM

C: [player 1], [player 2], [player 3]
PF: [player 1, [player 2], [player 3]
SF: [player 1, [player 2], [player 3]
SG: [player 1, [player 2], [player 3]
PG: [player 1, [player 2], [player 3]

IL: [player 1], [player 2], [player 3]

Offensive Key Players:
[player 1], [player 2], [player 3]

Pace: [Very slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very fast]
Trap Frequency: [Never, Sometimes, Normal, Often, Always]
Press Frequency: [Never, Sometimes, Normal, Often, Always]
Offensive Focus: [Inside, Balanced, Outside]

- If you want your dc the same, just type "same".
- Please bold any changes.
- Please copy/paste my format. Particularly, please keep pace, trap, press and focus in the order I have it listed in. It makes my job worlds easier.

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: BucksGM on April 21, 2007, 09:47:15 PM
same depth chart.

Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: MagicGM on April 21, 2007, 10:16:15 PM
pace: slow


Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: GrizzliesGM on April 21, 2007, 10:31:23 PM
C- Doleac, Williams, Williams
PF- Maggette, Williams, Williams
SF- Anderson, Sanders, Sanders
SG- Piatkowski, Arenas, Arenas
PG- Lord, Ward, Ward

IR List=Iverson, Holt, Steppe

Options: Doleac, Anderson, Lord


Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: WizardsGM on April 21, 2007, 10:46:17 PM
IL: S. Johnson, Gola, Schrempf

C: Munson/Priddy/Munson
PF: Williams/Priddy/Williams
SF: K. McHale/Russell/K. McHale
SG: Pettit/Russell/Pettit
PG: Ransey/Prantmair/Ransey
active: Ellis, Snyder, A. McHale

Options: 1. Pettit  2. Munson  3. Williams

Pace: Normal
Trap: Often
Press: Sometimes
Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: GoldenStateGM on April 21, 2007, 11:07:15 PM
Warriors Sim 6 Depth Chart  - The Future?

C: Tyson Thurmond, Mark Wooten, Phillip Rubini
PF: Phil Hubbard, Mark Wooten, Phillip Rubini
SF: Don Collins, Andre Iguodala, Harold Morey
SG: Michael O'Neil, Andre Iguodala, Harold Morey
PG: Lester Connor, Mikel Chamberlain, Aldaberto Marquez

IL: Al Wood, Doyle Fee, Trent Lo

Offensive Key Players:
Phil Hubbard, Don Collins, Michael O'Neil

Pace: Normal
Trap Frequency: Often
Press Frequency: Often
Offensive Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: NetsGM on April 21, 2007, 11:08:11 PM
C: Zollner/Gminski/Pettit
PF: Gminski/Macauley/Fuqua
SF: Fuqua/Deng/King
SG: Brooks/Deng/Johnson
PG: Macy/English/Johnson

IL: Brand/*Empty Roster Spot*/*Empty Roster Spot*

Offensive Options: Brooks/Gminski/Macy

Pace: Normal
Trap: Normal
Press: Often
Offensive Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: WolvesGM on April 22, 2007, 12:07:11 AM
C: Steven Schmaltz, Phil Unseld, Mark Mcnamara
PF: Kenneth Wheat, Royal Jackson, Mark Mcnamara
SF: David Jonas, Shawn Marion, James Hardy
SG: Sidney Moncrief, Shawn Marion, Shawn Marion
PG: Bailey Snow, John Bagley, Bailey Snow

1) Seth Magliore
2) Nathaniel Doleac

Offensive Key Players:
1) Steven Schmaltz
2) Shawn Marion
3) David Jonas

Pace: Normal
Trap Frequency: Sometimes
Press Frequency: Normal
Offensive Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: PacersGM on April 22, 2007, 02:32:10 AM

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: SonicsGM on April 22, 2007, 05:21:16 AM
same please

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: HeatGM on April 22, 2007, 11:20:00 AM

C: Nick Abdur-Rahim,LaDon Augmon, Johnny Duncan
PF: Michael Thompson, LaDon Augmon, Elton Brand
SF: Lebron James, Lutz Gerstl, Lamar Odom
SG: Bertram Shultz, Ivan Piatkowski, Lutz Gerstl
PG: Harley Khoury, Ivan Piatkowski, Darnell Valentine

IL: Thor McAdoo

Offensive Key Players:
Bertram Shultz, Lebron James, Harley Khoury

Pace: fast
Trap Frequency: Normal
Press Frequency: Normal
Offensive Focus: Balance

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: Str8westcoasta on April 22, 2007, 11:54:44 AM
same please

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: BlazersGM on April 22, 2007, 07:09:08 PM
C: Yao Ming /  Reuben Andresen / Nolan Johnson
PF: Steven Buehler / Reuben Andresen / Daniel Ahye
SF: Wiley Peck / Steven Buehler / Charles Phelps
SG: Charles Phelps / Wiley Peck / Frank Hyatt
PG: Malcolm Trump / Toby Bolinger / Charles Phelps

IL: Justin Tarlac / Peter Humphries / Alton Lister

1.Yao Ming
2.Charles Phelps
3.Wiley Peck

Pace: Fast
Trap: Normal
Press: Sometimes

Focus: Balanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: CavsGM on April 22, 2007, 09:35:26 PM
Same for the Cavs

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: MavsGM on April 22, 2007, 09:59:49 PM

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: SixersGM on April 23, 2007, 03:36:34 AM
C:  Edgar Barner/Scott Dickman/Eddy Curry
PF: Jourdain Goudin/Scott Dickman/Eddy Curry
SF: Julius Erving/Larry nance/ Rodney Drew
SG: Mark Aguirre/Larry Nance/Morgan Saperstein
PG: Vito Ramsay/Antonio Seymore/ Julius Erving

#1: Vito Ramsay
#2: Mark Aguirre
#3: Edgar Barner

Pace: Normal
Trap: sometimes
Press: sometimes
Focus: Inside

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: SpursGM-old on April 23, 2007, 10:00:26 AM

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: BucksGM on April 23, 2007, 10:48:59 AM
same depth chart at C/PF/SF

SG: Kundla, Gordon, Alvin Schenk
PG: Gordon, Provost, Alvin Schenk

IL: replace Ridnour and Hansen with Benoit and McPherson on the IL

Offensive Options Kent, Mehta, Gordon in that order.


Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: NetsGM on April 23, 2007, 11:00:42 AM

IL: Kody Van Horn

C: Dalembert, Lavalley, Dalembert
PF: Worthy, Beardslee, Worthy
SF: Blackman, Marion, Diddle
SG: Bradley, Blackman, Bradley
PG: Max, Gomes, Max

Options: Bradley, Blackman, Max

Pace: Slow
Press: Sometimes
Trap: Sometimes
Focus: Outside

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: RaptorsGM on April 23, 2007, 12:07:24 PM

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: SunsGM on April 23, 2007, 02:06:32 PM


settings, same

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: KnicksGM-old4 on April 23, 2007, 02:31:57 PM
C - Finley, Cummings, Risen
PF - GReenwood, Greenwood, Risen
SF- Cummings, Grenier, Vaught
SG - Wade, Grenier, Shader
PG- Thomas, Matthews, Shireman

Bench: Mills
IL:  Griffith, Laetner

Top 3- Wade, Thomas, Greenwood

Pace- Fast
Trap- Often
Press- Often
Focus- Outside

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: CelticsGM on April 23, 2007, 03:18:43 PM
"broken english" sim 6 DC

C E. Strait / J. Sampson / J. Tyler
PF J. Tyler / J. Sampson / E. Strait
SF O. Woolridge / D. Nowitzki / O. Woolridge
SG A. Lenard / J. Childress / B. Wolkowsky
PG D. Perry / I. Magloire / D. Perry

IL: T. Arizin / D. Thirdkill / D. Tillis
off key: Tyler / Lenard / Woolridge

pace: normal
trap: normal
press: normal
off focus: inside

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: KingsGM-old on April 24, 2007, 10:02:57 AM

Bill Cartwright, Bill Laimbeer, Bill Cartwright
Tom Chambers,Bill Laimbeer, Cliff Robinson
Larry Bird, Cliff Robinson, Max Marshall
Purvis Short, Larry DrewPurvis Short
Magic Johnson, Nathaniel Van Exel, Magic Johnson

Key Players; Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Bill Cartwright

IL: Bass & Blood

Pace: Normal
Press: Normal
Trap: Normal

Focus: Ballanced

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: JazzGM-old on April 24, 2007, 09:10:15 PM

Title: Re: Sim 6 DC
Post by: HawksGM on April 25, 2007, 02:33:42 PM
same for the Hawks