Title: Joseph Gomes (19.1 ppg, 9.3 apg in preseason) Post by: NetsGM on April 10, 2007, 02:19:49 PM Gomes averaged 14.1 ppg, 9.4 apg, 5.3 rpg, 2.3 spg in 12 games in preseason sim 1, then 19.1 ppg, 9.3 apg, 5.3 rpg, 1.8 spg on 49.5% from the field, 46.2% from 3 pt range. He can certainly contribute to a contending team, but he'll be a backup on my team.
I'm looking for: - A matching expiring and a first round pick - To combine gomes with something to get a serviceable center (sub 30 years old preferably) PM me if you're interested. |