Title: Jazz and Sonics Strike a Deal Post by: JazzGM-old on April 06, 2007, 07:39:16 PM Jazz Send:
Curtis Sura 2022 1st Round Pick **Use Trade Exception** Sonics Send: Eddie Uner Title: Re: Jazz and Sonics Strike a Deal Post by: SonicsGM on April 06, 2007, 10:27:37 PM Jazz Send: Curtis Sura 2022 1st Round Pick **Use Trade Exception** Sonics Send: Eddie Uner Sonics agree Title: Re: Jazz and Sonics Strike a Deal Post by: JazzGM-old on April 06, 2007, 10:30:43 PM I was excited about Sura this year with his improvement and my playing style..he's a great player and at 32 has some years left, but Uner just has that proven ability year after year and despite the B rating, comes in the top for defensive pg's in the league. My biggest problems have been TO's from my backcourt and this really helps that as I get one of the premier players in the league. The 2022 pick is much more useful to the Sonics as they're rebuilding. I have a legitimate big three now in Uner, Toney, and Dial, all with the experience and the depth to take me to the promised land.