Title: Suns Looking to Unload everyone Post by: SunsGM on March 25, 2007, 01:33:51 PM As the title says, i'm looking to deal my team, i have some nice pieces available. both Roan and Pettit could be moved, as well as Telfair,Pavel or Ruffin in packages or in individual deals. I'd be looking for Draft Picks ,Young talented players. or players on reasonable contracts that can contribute.
While I am looking to make some deals, I'm not desparate to make any deals and wont give them away for free, but I am willing to discuss any ideas or offers to see if there is common ground we can come to for a possible deal. Any interest can be placed in this thread or through pm's. thanks! SunsGM Title: Re: Suns Looking to Unload everyone Post by: SunsGM on April 18, 2007, 04:17:01 PM Bump.
I've decided to go into full rebuild mode, and I am very serious about moving everyone on my team. I'm looking for cash, 1st round picks and young players with some skills and potential. everyone is going to be moved THIS WEEK! If there are any offers please PM me. Title: Re: Suns Looking to Unload everyone Post by: CelticsGM on April 18, 2007, 04:34:16 PM oh ...
Title: Re: Suns Looking to Unload everyone Post by: SunsGM on April 19, 2007, 02:26:21 PM OK, Pettit has been moved,But i still have nice players such as Roan and Telfair, and Defensive guys Like Pavel(top 10 in both blocks and rebounds) and Don Ruffin whos a good defender, and a 17 mil exp contract.
If there is any interest pm me. Thanks, SunsGM Title: Re: Suns Looking to Unload everyone Post by: SunsGM on April 26, 2007, 03:16:07 PM Any interest in Pavel or Ruffin? both are Exp contracts, and good big defenders for any team looking for a playoff push. For either, i'd be looking to land a matching exp contract and cash or picks, or young players that have high potential(A or B) and decent ratings (C+ or higher) Also Sebastian Telfair is available. he's not a 22 mil exp contract, and has been putting up nice numbers. He would also be a decent addition for a team needing a push into the playoffs. Looking for a backup PG, cash or future picks.
PM me with any interest. Thanks, Suns GM |