Title: Rockets Block Post by: Str8westcoasta on January 23, 2007, 11:27:20 AM Nick Abdur-Rahim C 31 7'0'' 270 B- D+ D- B+ B C
- Has gotten better with age! Averaged 13.2 points and 9.6 rebounds last year, shooting .448% from the field. Legit 7 footer with a good all-round game. Travis Shirley C 20 7'4'' 245 C+ C- C C+ C+ D - HUGE rookie out of Arkansas. Picked up with a early 2nd... who knows... Gregory Holman PF 32 6'10'' 244 B C C B+ B+ D - Big Bad Gregory has been getting it done for 6 years now in Houston! Averaging 10&10 last year along with 2.4 blockes per night. Excellent rebounding and defense ratings and can score inside too. Dan Rosow SF 24 6'10'' 246 C+ B C C+ C- C - A big SF who can and has scored off the bench. If his inside/defense can pick up he can contribute in a small role. Still only 24 Dwyane Wade SG 34 6'4'' 212 B B+ B- A C- C - Awesome defender who killed it for Houston last year. Stats improved when he moved from Seattle, and I'm confident he would have added 2/3 more ppg if he had of been in a Rockets uniform all year! Barton O'Connell PG 29 5'11'' 196 C A+ A+ B+ D+ C - The foundation of the franshise for the last 8 seasons! Deadly accurate outside shooter (.460 3PT%), amazing ball handler (9.6apg) can play defense too. Averaged 48.3% from the field last year, scoring 18ppg, was often 2nd/3rd option with the arrival of AK47 and D-Wade All are available, I am not looking for anything in particular so will consider ideas. Primarily looking to get younger and plan for the future Let me know if you have interest and if so who you have available. Thanks, ~RocketsGM Title: Re: Rockets Block Post by: Str8westcoasta on January 23, 2007, 06:22:06 PM Guys, I realise I was rather vague with what I was looking for in return, but keep in mind all I would have to do is spend a few bucks and I can make people expiring. I don't rate it too highly, when my guys only have 2 years left.
Thanks for all the PM's so far though ~RocketsGM |