Title: Yao/Telfair/Podkolzine Post by: HornetsGM on January 11, 2007, 06:02:43 PM Let me hear some offers dudes!
Edit: I'm looking for expirings/picks/cash. expirings and picks are very important. Title: Re: Yao/Livingston/Podkolzine Post by: BlazersGM on January 11, 2007, 06:49:53 PM im interested in Yao in Livingstone if you see anything interesting on my team, if you do, hit me on AIM or trough PM
Title: Re: Yao/Livingston/Podkolzine Post by: RaptorsGM on January 11, 2007, 10:00:19 PM Trade Exception for Yao?
My cap space covers the entire contract after the exception Title: Re: Yao/Livingston/Podkolzine Post by: HornetsGM on January 11, 2007, 11:32:28 PM Trade Exception for Yao? My cap space covers the entire contract after the exception No. Title: Re: Yao/Livingston/Podkolzine Post by: HornetsGM on January 11, 2007, 11:32:46 PM im interested in Yao in Livingstone if you see anything interesting on my team, if you do, hit me on AIM or trough PM PMd Title: Re: Yao/Telfair/Podkolzine Post by: HornetsGM on January 12, 2007, 01:46:45 PM Telfair is now a Hornet. He's going cheap: some cash or a 1st and expirings is all it will take. I don't care how bad the guy is I'm getting in return. This means that even if you are over the cap, you could sign a complete scrub to a 1 year max deal and get Telfair in return.