Title: Garrett Pettit/Richard Roan/Kirk Hinrich Post by: SunsGM on January 04, 2007, 09:41:32 PM Both have resigned, and 1 could possibly be dealt.
What i'd be looking for: Hopefully i can land a package of a young PG with nice ratings. and a PF or C, along with 1st round pick(s) If theresanyinterest in either please send me a PM or you can try to catch me on an IM. SunsGM Title: Re: Garrett Pettit/Richard Roan Post by: SunsGM on January 10, 2007, 03:08:12 PM Bump,
I'm adding Kirk Hinrich to the list of players here. He's still a top PG,and the best part is that he's an expiring 21 mil contract, so anyone trying to get under the cap, or gear up for a FA run next season let me know. like Roan and Pettit, i'd be looking for Picks, a young PG, and Front court players at the PF and C spots. Thanks, Suns GM |