The War Room => Trade Talk => Topic started by: NetsGM on December 04, 2006, 02:11:56 PM

Title: Attention bargain shoppers....
Post by: NetsGM on December 04, 2006, 02:11:56 PM
Harold Morey is available for one expiring contract that is at the top end of eligibility in the checker - between 4.4 mil and 5.16 mil is what I'm looking for.

This is a good player who can help teams at any of three positions: SF/SG/PG. While he hasn't been great this year, this is due to his placement on my DC - I'm going with the kids. But last year, I gave him a sim starting at each of his three positions and he did not disappoint in any of them: he typically put up around 12 pts, good rebounds and assists, and nice steal numbers. He'll generally give good complimentary numbers in backup roles, and the above is what you can expect when you start him - if you need him to do that d/t injury or what have you. He's a really useful guy on a good team.

Ratings are nice for the three positions: C B B+ B+ C C, and he is just 27 so he's entering his prime. 

I could offer a 2nd round pick to sweeten things if it was required. Please let me know soon. First offer that matches is the one that will get him, basically.

Offers through PM.