Title: Wiz - Bucks - partially processed (after draft) Post by: Anonymous on March 13, 2005, 01:14:54 PM Wiz Trade:
A. Jamison J. Dixon Wiz 09 1st Bucks Trade: R. Wallace K. Thomas Bucks 06 1st Wiz agree. Title: Wiz - Bucks - partially processed (after draft) Post by: BucksGM on March 13, 2005, 01:18:17 PM I also agree.
I get rid of my worst contract, Sheed and Jamison put up similar numbers and Jamison's contract while bigger is a year shorter. And I still have a decent starting 5 and I don't need to take on the cap for this year's pick. Title: Wiz - Bucks - partially processed (after draft) Post by: RaptorsGM on March 13, 2005, 02:16:39 PM Wow, I love this for the Wizards.
Sheed can put up alot bigger numbers than can Jamison. And maybe the Wizards can solve their PG woes in the draft. Title: Wiz - Bucks - partially processed (after draft) Post by: Anonymous on March 13, 2005, 02:21:21 PM Ok, I don't think I can trade my 09 1st yet, so we'll have to slightly modify the trade. Here it is;
Trade 1 (Before the Draft) Wiz Trade: A. Jamison J. Dixon Bucks Trade: R. Wallace K. Thomas Bucks 05 1st Trade 2 (After the Draft) Wiz Trade: Wiz 09 1st Bucks Trade: Nothing Title: Wiz - Bucks - partially processed (after draft) Post by: BucksGM on March 13, 2005, 02:36:20 PM I agree again.
I'm not sure Sheed will put up any different than the 16/6/3 he was averaging for me and Seattle. He was the #2 scoring option for both me and the Sonics too. It certainly made sense for the WizardsGM to make the trade given the long term Gilbert/Odom/Etan Thomas contracts. |