Title: Raptors Trade Block: Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on November 30, 2006, 08:39:11 AM It seems Boykins, Butler and Sura are out the door....that leaves Chills and Swift.
For each, I'm looking for nothing but exp back unless it is a young stud on a rook contract. I'm going need a pick with them too.. These are 2 guys that could be starters on Championship teams for years to come. UPDATE: Bierdrins and Donta Smith, new arrivals are also on their way out to the highest bidder. Again with the expiring. NOTICE - Consider Donta an expiring contract. UPDATE: Stats since joining the raptors: Biedrins - 21ppg, 9rpg, 5 double doubles Donta - 21ppg, 5rpg LAST UPDATE BEFORE TRADE DEADLINE: Willing to package these 2 20 point scorers for any future first and exp. Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block Post by: RaptorsGM on December 01, 2006, 12:17:17 PM Updated
Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block Post by: BlazersGM on December 01, 2006, 12:41:18 PM pmd
Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block: Chills, Swift, Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on December 02, 2006, 09:36:55 AM Updated to include Andris Biedrins and Donta Smith
Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block: Chills, Swift, Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on December 05, 2006, 02:31:26 PM First post now includes stats as Raptors
Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block: Chills, Swift, Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on December 07, 2006, 02:30:14 PM As a first option last sim - Donta: 24.3ppg, 5.3rpg
All I want is an exp and someithng f value Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block: Chills, Swift, Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on December 11, 2006, 11:30:25 AM Currently have an offer for Swift that I will do before the deadline if I don't get a better offer...
but Donta, Andris and Chills are not currently involved in talks. I'm not asking for much, just an exp and a pick...or even an exp and a nice young role player maybe with some potential. I'm ready to hear any and all offers. Title: Re: Raptors Trade Block: Chills, Swift, Smith, Biedrins Post by: RaptorsGM on December 13, 2006, 11:00:05 AM Last call for Swift
Andris and Donta both available...can even be packaged for anything of value |