Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: Keith on March 10, 2005, 08:20:02 PM Wolves:
Szczerbiak Suns: Howard Eisley Jake Voskuhl Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: SunsGM on March 10, 2005, 08:23:17 PM I agree, i get a small forward, and i manage to keep my pick this year, he can start, and if i dont get a better sf, i can bring him off the bench, and have some depth.
as far as salary cap, I have to (hopefully resign) Amare, so i'll be perputually over the cap anyway, so i dont think it matters right now. Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on March 10, 2005, 09:18:46 PM I take it our trade is dead??? thanx for letting me know... not that you have to, but it would have been some common courtesy...
Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: SunsGM on March 10, 2005, 09:25:20 PM its not, check your pm's
Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: NetsGM on March 10, 2005, 09:31:42 PM does it really matter if you find out in a pm or a thread?
everyone gets all bent out of shape. Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on March 10, 2005, 11:04:13 PM Its not that big of a deal... It just the we had a deal that was basically finalized and just needed to be posted, and i had no idea he was taking any other offers about the player i was going to recieve... thats all... no big deal, and it was clear up by sunsgm and I...
Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on March 11, 2005, 07:04:06 AM Quote from: NetsGM does it really matter if you find out in a pm or a thread? everyone gets all bent out of shape. It's only when you get told "oh yeah I really like our deal I'll tell you by 6 tonight". And then at 7 or 8 that night, you've heard nothing, and there's a completed trade posted. There have been a few times where I have had to tell other GM's to wait because one GM I am dealing with has asked for some time, just to take a final look at our deal, before me does it - and then he goes and posts a completed trade, almost immediatly. Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: ClippersGM-old on March 11, 2005, 07:36:42 AM I did not even know we could make trades now?! I thought we had to wait until after the playoffs. I guess I had it wrong?
Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: Keith on March 11, 2005, 07:44:21 AM if both teams are out of the playoffs you can make trades
Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: ClippersGM-old on March 11, 2005, 07:55:52 AM Quote from: WolvesGM if both teams are out of the playoffs you can make trades Oh ok, thank you! Title: Wolves - Suns Trade - processed Post by: NetsGM on March 11, 2005, 08:02:58 AM it just won't be processed until after the finals.