Title: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: NetsGM on November 05, 2006, 01:35:32 AM 2017 170 Pistons Draft SG Taylor Bradley with pick #21 of round 1.
2017 170 Cavs Draft SG Mike Woodson with pick #22 of round 1. 2017 170 Warriors Draft SG Don Collins with pick #23 of round 1. 2017 170 Hawks Draft PF Reggie Johnson with pick #24 of round 1. 2017 170 Heat Draft PF SG Allen Biasone with pick #25 of round 1. 2017 170 Magic Draft SF Morgan Saperstein with pick #26 of round 1. 2017 170 Nuggets Draft PG John Duren with pick #27 of round 1. 2017 170 Spurs Draft C Eric Wu with pick #28 of round 1. 2017 170 Hornets Draft PF George Hobson with pick #29 of round 1. Title: Re: Picks 11-20 of the first round Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on November 05, 2006, 05:33:41 AM Very happy with my pick, I was considering taking Bradley with the #13... He'll see lots of minutes this year as he will likely be the starter at SG...
Title: Re: Picks 11-20 of the first round Post by: CelticsGM on November 05, 2006, 05:45:13 AM Guess you scouted the real pot of Bradley and Woodson, as I would have gone with the latter for the rebounding plus and better size.
Title: Re: Picks 11-20 of the first round Post by: MagicGM on November 05, 2006, 06:04:05 AM Guess you scouted the real pot of Bradley and Woodson, as I would have gone with the latter for the rebounding plus and better size. I really wished one of them would drop to my team. wishful thinking :( I'm happy with my pick on Sarpenstein though. this is probably one of the deepes draft so far. Title: Re: Picks 11-20 of the first round Post by: WizardsGM on November 05, 2006, 09:36:20 AM Was really hoping for one of 3 SGs to drop to my pick but I knew that was very unlikely.
Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: GoldenStateGM on November 05, 2006, 11:33:34 AM Thrilled to get Collins. he was 2nd on my list (behind Woodson)
Really hope his potential holds up, he could be a very nice SG/SF, and that B inside can be tough to come by in a SG. Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: NetsGM on November 05, 2006, 12:06:56 PM Nice picks by Pistons, Cavs, Warriors for sure. Nice deep draft - pending potential of course.
Duren might be very nice for Nuggs, depending on development. Same goes for Wu/Spurs - B rebounding, good size...if the potential is true, could be a steal; same for Hobson/Hornets - who has no weaknesses but no strengths. Both are a good TC away from immediate contributions. Rest looks pretty thin tho....and I have pick #14.... :? anyone want it for 10 bucks - go ahead and post if you do. Tom? Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: CelticsGM on November 05, 2006, 02:45:27 PM sorry, this draft was essentially over after pick #23.
yeah, you might get some project picked later that develops, for for every one of those you have 5 busts, as always. This draft was deeper than past seasons, but this wasn't exactly MJ/Bird or Magic waiting here. So many question marks we won't find out about the quality until 2, 3 seasons have passed ... Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: HawksGM on November 05, 2006, 04:40:19 PM I agree with Celts, I wanted one of those 3 guys but didn't get any...Collins was my 1st choice simply because his inside scoring can provide mismatches
Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the first round Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on November 19, 2006, 03:24:37 AM Guess you scouted the real pot of Bradley and Woodson, as I would have gone with the latter for the rebounding plus and better size. Looks like I made a lucky guess... TC was very kind... |